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Anti-Racist Racists (The Advent of Antiwhitism)
According to today’s liberal Democrat leaders racial discrimination against a person of color is racism. According to those same liberal leaders, racial discrimination against a white person is “antiracism”. Lipocrisy!
For more than 50 years, anti-white racism, or as I like to call it Antiwhitism, has insidiously made its way into all American institutions in almost every State until it has emerged today as the common denominator upon which almost all democrat social & economic policies include. Liberal Democrats, not conservatives, are the racists, and white-hating is their most potent political weapon. They justify their antiwhitism with convoluted rationalizations about past racial discrimination against people of color. Or, they try to justify it by euphemistically saying it’s in the name of “diversity”, “equity” or “inclusion”, fabricated abstracts that liberals have weaponized to stave off any challenge to their blatantly racist policies. The most devious of liberal social constructs, and also the most abusive use of euphemism in human history, actually equates anti-white discrimination with justice (e.g. “social justice”). In practice, "social justice" is in actuality social revenge.
The Lipocrisy, of course, is that Liberals ferociously attack racism & racial discrimination while at the same time being the primary perpetrators of both. Liberal leaders and academics accuse America of “systemic racism” against black American’s while simultaneously institutionalizing antiwhitism in every American institution. Essentially, they work to liberate the so called “oppressed” by oppressing the already liberated. Liberation through oppression is lipocrisy.
For all intents and purposes, liberal leaders are campaigning to make White Americans the Jews of the 21st century. Read about the forces that caused the rise of antisemitism in Europe and you’ll see those same forces being harnessed by Liberal democrats toward white Americans: European gentiles, primarily in Germany and France, essentially started singling out Jews as a problem (The Jewish Question). Identification of jews as a problem led to envy, fear, resentment and hatred, which led to persecution and eventual attempts of Jewish extermination. Today’s liberal Democrats are utilizing antiwhite propaganda to create the perception that white Americans are intrinsically bad. The following excerpts describing Nazi racism are taken from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website. Excerpts are italicized. There are eerie similarities to contemporary liberal Democrat ideology.
“After the Nazis came to power, they passed the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935, which codified a supposedly biological definition of Jewishness.”
Liberal Democrats have fabricated the term “whiteness” to codify a supposedly cultural definition of being white. Jewish traits were all negative in Nazi propaganda. White traits are all negative in liberal propaganda. One federal-government “scientific” publication states “whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has-a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which "white" people have a particular susceptibility…Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts' appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse.”
“Once in power, the Nazis implemented racial laws and policies that deprived Jews, Black people, and Roma (Gypsies) of their rights.”
Liberal Democrats are implementing “Diversity”, “equity” and “inclusion” (DEI) policies that deprive whites of their constitutional and civil rights. The Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination in public places and made employment discrimination illegal. DEI demands antiwhite discrimination in public places and employment.
“Within a racist framework, the value of a human being is not determined by his or her individuality, but instead by membership in a so-called "racial collective nation."
The fact of the matter is that Liberal Democrats see people as racial collectives and not as individuals. Furthermore, the less white, heterosexual male a person is, the more value is placed upon them by the Democrat party.
“Racism, including racial antisemitism (prejudice against or hatred of Jews based on false biological theories), was always an integral part of German National Socialism (Nazism).”
Today, racial antiwhitism (prejudice against or hatred of whites based on false cultural theories), is an integral part of today’s liberal Democrat party. It is fueled by antiwhite propaganda.
In Nazi Germany, antisemitism was official government policy—it was taught in schools, included in “scientific” journal and research institutes and promoted in party propaganda. In 2021 the spread of antiwhitism in our K-12 schools really took off. One principal of an elite New York City School was actually recorded saying “We’re demonizing kids, we’re demonizing white people for being born”. In the same discussion, he said, “We are using language that makes them feel less than for nothing that they are personally responsible for”. In a children's "whiteness" book, whites are compared to Satan. Also in 2021, the National Library of Medicine, located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), published “scientific” research on “whiteness” that basically stated that “Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples”. There are numerous other supposedly scientific articles about “whiteness” on this government website that essentially demonize the white race. The National Institutes of Health, for those who don't know, is the primary agency of the Federal government responsible for public health research. This is the Democrat party using the federal government to promote antiwhite propaganda. The Nazi party used the German government to promote antisemitic propaganda.
After the 2021 Capital riots, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the rioters of choosing their “whiteness over our democracy”. Of course, she never elaborated on what whiteness is. Why would she. Keeping people confused and uncertain is part of their strategy. To constantly accuse you of something terrible without completely defining it keeps you on constant defense. Imagine what would have happened if the Republican leader of congress accused the 2020 black lives matter rioters of choosing their blackness over their country. Ponder that for a moment. Anyways, did demonization of the Jews lead to their persecution and attempted extermination? Will demonization of the white race result in its persecution? Will “The White Question” follow? Is it already being pondered by liberal elites? The point I’m trying to make here is this; just as the Jews were the center of Nazi ideology, whites are now at the center of Democrat ideology. Again, the similarities are scary. Liberals are using the Nazi playbook while simultaneously accusing Republicans of being racist fascists. It's liberal hypocrisy personified.
Even Liberalism’s definition of racism is racist because it states that only white people can be racist. Seriously, it does. Furthermore, their definition is fake. My 2016 Merriam Webster dictionary defines racism as follows: “a belief that some races are by nature superior to others; discrimination based on such belief”. Many liberal’s reject this dictionary definition of racism. Instead, they define it as one group (the white race) having the power to carry out “systematic” discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society. They further define racism as evil. They are therefore asserting that only white people can embody a particular type of evil (racism). How racist, according to the real definition of racism, is that?
Liberals are now telling white people that if you’re against affirmative action, “diversity”, “equity” and “inclusion” policies, all of which racially discriminate against white people by design, you’re the racist. In other words, if you’re white and don’t enthusiastically embrace being treated like shit for being white, you’re a racist. In addition to being lipocritical, it’s the opposite of common sense. Speaking of common sense: if virtually every social policy of the Democrat party makes white people worse off, isn’t it reasonable to believe it’s their goal?
According to liberal Democrat leader’s own logic, it would mean exactly that. Here’s why. For as long as I can remember, liberal leaders have stated, as a matter of irrefutable fact, that something is racist if it adversely harms black or brown people disproportionately. For example: Black Americans disproportionately receive the death penalty. Therefore, the death penalty is racist. Or, black Americans disproportionally do poorly on standardized tests, therefore the tests are racists. Or, black Americans are disproportionally incarcerated. Therefore, the criminal justice system is racist. In my opinion, these are all liberal Democrat lies. Black Americans, for example, are disproportionally incarcerated because they disproportionally commit crimes punishable by imprisonment. “Racist”! The liberal proclaims. No, I reply. This is a fact, and facts aren’t racist. Ponder this. White Americans disproportionately pay higher taxes than non-whites (A harm). White Americans disproportionately pay higher medical insurance rates than non-whites (A harm). White Americans are the only race harmed by affirmative action and diversity policies (A harm). Based on liberal Democrat’s own logic, our tax system, healthcare system and diversity systems are all racist against whites. Have you ever heard a liberal point this out? Lipocrisy! In sum, according to liberal theology, if something disproportionately harms black or brown people, or any other non-white heterosexual male, it’s racist, sexist, etc, etc. If something disproportionately harms white people, mostly white heterosexual men, it’s justice. I need to repeat this: every social policy of today’s Democrat party, by design, makes white people worse off.
Let’s go back to common sense: I want to direct this next paragraph to young white Americans. I commend you on being as adamant against racism towards people of color as you are. But, you need to know that these anti-white “diversity”, “equity” “inclusion”, “justice” and "representation" policies aren’t the way. You're shooting yourselves in the foot. For the rest of your lives, you're going to be discriminated against because of the color of your skin. You're going to be denied opportunities because of what you are. You're sacrificing yourselves, and I don’t understand why you don’t see it. You don’t have to pull white people down in order to raise non-white people up. Liberal Democrat leaders are intentionally doing just that (Communism). If you don’t believe me, please read this article that proves America isn’t the racist nation the Democrats claim it is. It shows that the average household income of Americans of Indian descent is $120,000. The median household income for all Asians is $87,194. The median household income of white Americans is $67,937. If America is as racist as liberal Democrats claim, explain this. Do you still want to sacrifice your future based on a liberal lie? What about your children’s future? The Democrats intend to discriminate against whites forever. Assuming your children are white, they’ll be treated like shit by every American institution for their entire life. Back in the 1990s in Los Angeles, my brother was told on two separate occasions that he wasn’t getting a promotion because they were going to give it to a black or Hispanic person. Since then, this anti-white discrimination has become much more prevalent nationwide. If you support “diversity”, “equity” and “inclusion” policies, and this happens to your innocent child, it’s your fault.
Do you want to sacrifice your dignity to that same liberal lie? Dignity, by the way, is the state of being worthy of honor and respect. In 2018, Kevin Hart, a rich and famous black actor, hosted the MTV video music awards. Donald Trump was president and was condemning NFL players who were kneeling during the national anthem. At the award show, Hart said, “Do not worry, because at this game you guys are allowed to kneel. You can do whatever the hell you want. There’s no old, white man that can stop you.” I remember being incredibly offended by this. It was a blatant attack on the dignity of seniors and white people without a peep of condemnation from the liberal media or Democrat party. If a white celebrity had said something similar during Barack Obama’s presidency, his career would have been over. Hart, on the other hand, became more successful. Lipocrisy! Bottom line is this: Liberal Democrat leaders believe in racial discrimination against the white race. They believe in disrespecting, dishonoring and demonizing white people as well. Still don’t believe me? Perhaps this will convince you:
The Karen: Growing up in the 1980’s, I was instructed by liberals not to use negative racial stereotypes. Today, liberals create and then make them an integral part of American popular culture with the outcome, and in my opinion the intent, of creating racial prejudice. Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. As of 2020, this antiwhite propaganda was increasingly being used by liberal-controlled social media as a general-purpose term of hate for middle-aged white women. Liberal glorification of antiwhite stereotypes by those who claim to be against racism and stereotyping is liberal hypocrisy. A similarly negative black stereotype would never be allowed in the mainstream or social media. In fact, the opposite would occur. The term would be labeled as “Hate Speech” and effectively banned from American society.
Speaking of negative white stereotypes, liberal academics have fabricated the term "whiteness" to demoralize the white race. I don’t know about you, but prior to 2020, I had never heard the term. It was probably brewing in the universities for years before being allowed to percolate into the rest of society in 2020. One of the places it’s filtered into is the corporate Human Resource Department. These liberal-controlled departments compel white employees to attend “diversity training” seminars where they’re forced to acknowledge that being white is evil and to renounce being evil, I mean their “whiteness”. In February 2021, for example, Coca-Cola employees were urged to be “less white” in what was called a “Confronting Racism” course (You can’t make this shit up). A slide in the presentation explained that being “less white” meant being: “less oppressive”, “less arrogant”, “less certain” and “less ignorant” amongst others. Isn’t defining the white race as oppressive, arrogant and ignorant racist? Are black Americans asked to be less black in “diversity training” seminars? You know the answer to that. This training, by the way, was part of Coca-Cola’s “Better Together” initiative. Would defining black or brown people as oppressive, arrogant and ignorant be considered a “Better Together” initiative? Hmmm? And it’s not just Coca-Cola. This antiwhite propaganda is now in most major American corporations, including The Walt Disney Company and Google. Let’s sum this lipocrisy up: according to liberalism, creating negative white racial stereotypes, forcing white employees to accept them as true and then demanding white employees repent for being white brings people together.
Given all the above, liberal Democrat leaders still insist that it’s Republicans who are racially divisive. Really? They always talk about “healing the racial divide”. Those same liberal leaders then pick at the scab of America’s past racial injustices until the wound reopens and blood flows everywhere. Doesn’t this make you question their sincerity about healing America’s racial divide?
Lastly, if liberal Democrats only solution to present day racial inequalities is to reinstitute an entirely new era of American institutional racism against white people, they’ve failed to learn from history. Or, they simply hate white people, which is the conclusion I’ve come to.
If you’re a liberal Democrat and no longer want to support a political party whose ideology is centered around antiwhitism, please leave the party. It’s no longer what you signed up for.
Sadly, antiwhitism is only one of the many forms of hatred that liberal Democrats foment. The Anti-Hate Hate Mongers section explains the numerous others.
Hollywood is notoriously liberal. I've noticed lately that even in their movies and TV shows, there is subtle, almost subliminal, antiwhite propaganda. For example: I was streaming a new romantic comedy the other day called, "Anyone But You" when I noticed a lesbian character wearing this t-shirt. In addition to this, one of the other black characters repeatedly makes antiwhite comments very matter of factly. I suspect you can't imagine the white character next to her wearing a t-shirt that said, "Ego of a Gay Black Man", can you? Is that equality? I believe Hollywood is attempting to normalize antiwhitism in our country. I'm seeing this in all liberal-controlled media which is pretty much all media. I'm convinced Hollywood is working with the Democrat Party to make White Americans the Jews of the 21st century. Watch the movie and you'll see.
Following Are Examples Of Liberal Antiwhitism & Antiwhite Propaganda:
November 15, 2024: According to a five-year veteran of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the agency, under the Biden administration, actively discriminates against white people, Republicans and heterosexuals all in the name of "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion". “FEMA needs to help people. It doesn’t help people right now,” he said. “It’s so biased and racist [against those perceived as white].” Think hard on this: If your entire life is destroyed by a natural disaster, and you happen to be white or Republican, the government agency that is supposed to help you will ignore you.
October 26, 2024: Former ESPN host and liberal, Jemele Hill, recently shamed former race car driver Danica Patrick for being white and voting for Donald Trump. Hill called Patrick's voting decision "unhinged" and an example of why she does "not trust white women" in America. Later she wrote white men are the "worse [sic] thing in America for decades." Imagine what would happen if a conservative TV host, not that there are many, said black men are the worse fucking thing in America. They would never be heard from again. Jemele Hill is still out there. Lipocrisy!
October 24, 2024: This is antiwhite propaganda directed at children created by a "social justice" (i.e. communist) organization called the African American Policy Forum. It will create resentment, anger and hatred towards whites from people of color. It will also make white kids feel guilt and shame and self-hatred. By doing these things, it creates a culture where antiwhite discrimination such as "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion" are rationalized. "Social Justice" is a communist belief that opportunity (hence wealth) should be distributed not by merit, experience or aptitude but by "identity": from whites to non whites, from men to women, from heterosexuals to LGBTXYG, from Americans to Immigrants.
September 20, 2024: “Once in power, the Nazis implemented racial laws and policies that deprived Jews, Black people, and Roma (Gypsies) of their rights.” Under the Biden administration, and in the name of "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion", racial laws and policies that deprive whites of their rights are the norm. Internal air force documents, for example, include a slideshow from 2022 where the Air Force outlines racial and gender quotas and details how its goal is to reduce the number of white males in its Reserve Officers’ Training Corps officer’s applicant program. This will of course reduce the number of white air force officers. Officers earn more money than those who aren't officers. This policy is intended to make whites in the air force poorer. The liberals are intentionally making white people poorer. Think about it.
August 16, 2024: Liberal presidential nominee, Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz have a new campaign video out that mocks being white. "I have White guy tacos, and . . .," Walz says in the campaign video of him and Harris discussing some of their favorite foods. "What does that mean? Like mayonnaise and tuna? What are you doing?" Harris quipped back. Walz responded by saying it was "pretty much" just ground beef and cheese. "That’s OK," Harris then added. "Do you put any flavor in it?" she asked. "Uh, no," Walz responded, garnering a cackle from Harris. The subliminal message is that white people are bland, flavorless and boring. This is also insinuating that Mexicans are better than white Americans. Think about it. If Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, the GOP vice presidential nominee, were to say something similar about Black people he would get excoriated. Lipocrisy! How is this song for antiwhitism.
July 31, 2024: According to today’s liberal Democrat leaders racial discrimination against a white person is “equity”. The Biden administration has paid more than 43,000 non-white farmers and ranchers from $10,000 to $500,000 each. In total, $2.2 billion was handed out to the non-whites under Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act’s Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP). At the very end of this press release is the following sentence: " USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender". This is gaslighting personified. The entire press release is about giving $2.2 billion to non whites only. After doing that, they end it with claiming to believe in equal opportunity.
June 30, 2024: On this Sunday's episode of "This Week With George Stephanopoulos", Liberal Democrat Senator Chris Coons confirmed everything I've written about the Democrat party's antiwhitism. Regarding Joe Biden's announcement that he was running for President in 2020, Coon's said this: "I was with him when he announced in Philadelphia in 2019, and most of my colleagues said, 'Oh, he's too centrist, he's too white, he's too moderate". Coon's admitted that most Democat leaders now believe white people can't run for office anymore in America. Jonathan Karl, the interviewer, didn't say a thing as if that thinking is the norm. If a Republican Senator said that most of his Republican colleagues thought Obama was too black to run for office, would Karl have accused him of racism? You know the answer to that. Lipocrisy!
May 6, 2024: The Downpayment For Equity Act stems from a Biden campaign promise to primarily help non-whites enter the housing market. It gives $25,000 cash to non-whites to cover the upfront costs of a home purchase. Section 10 defines who can distribute and receive the free government handout. "Minority Depository Institutions" and "Community Development financial institutions" can deliver the funds. The former are financial institutions that are owned by non-whites. The latter are financial institutions that provide financial services to non-whites. Section 10 also states the purpose of the act is to "affirmatively further fair housing" which requires requires that recipients of HUD funds to actively discriminate against white people. What's most disgusting is that liberal Democrats have defined fair housing as actively discriminating against white people.
April 15, 2024: "And it would have to be, you know, you couldn’t make a movie that black. Those movies are really, really, very black. And they don’t really represent what it is to be a teenager in a school in America today, I don’t think." Could an actor today make such a racist statement about movies they made 40 years ago? Well, substitute the word white for black in those sentences. That is what antiwhite racist Molly Ringwald said as she accepted Variety’s Creative Vanguard Award. I'm sure all the liberals there were cheering her racism on.
March 10, 2024: Even Liberalism’s definition of racism is racist because it states that only white people can be racist. Seriously, it does. Furthermore, their definition is fake. My 2016 Merriam Webster dictionary defines racism as follows: “a belief that some races are by nature superior to others; discrimination based on such belief”. This article from the liberal LA times claims that black people can't be racist. Plenty of black people believe they're superior to white people and discriminate on that belief . Also, liberals believe racism is evil and then state that only white people can be racist. I wonder if that might create resentment, anger and hatred of whites?
March 7, 2024: In Nazi Germany, antisemitism was official government policy—it was taught in schools, included in “scientific” journal and research institutes and promoted in party propaganda. In Liberal America today, antiwhitism is used in just the same way. A new book, White Rural Rage, paints white rural Americans as the greatest threat to American democracy. The authors, political scientist Tom Schaller and journalist Paul Waldman, try to buttress this argument by citing scholarly publications.
February 26, 2024: Liberal leaders and academics accuse America of “systemic racism” against black American’s while simultaneously institutionalizing antiwhitism in every American institution. Ben Shapiro exposed it At an internal DEI lecture, Duke University surgical resident Vignesh Raman says his ‘heart sinks’ when he has patients who watch Fox News or wear MAGA hats. Then he celebrates having a majority ‘non-white’ population to treat.” In the video, Raman goes on to discuss how Duke has pushed to stop hiring so many “walls of white men”. Raman also tweeted that he won’t ‘amplify’ medical literature involving only white men – because it’s not as if white men have ever advanced medicine or anything.
February 22, 2024: Liberal-controlled Google launched Gemini artificial intelligence on February 8. As part of the new service, Gemini offers an image generator. When Gemini was asked to show a picture of a White person, it said it could not fulfill the request because it "reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race." When prompted to show images of a Black person, the AI instead offered to show images that "celebrate the diversity and achievement of Black people." It also showed historically inaccurate depictions such as black Vikings, female popes and Native Americans among the Founding Fathers. Google apologized for this and said it was a mistake. It was no mistake. The liberal programmers at Google hate the white race and use their position of power to demonize whites and glorify blacks.
February 9, 2024: Dante King, A guest speaker invited to deliver a Black History Month lecture on “Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness” at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), told his audience the following: “ Whites are psychopaths who have it written in the law you can rape black women. And their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history.” He went on to make excuses for black teenagers who commit violent crimes, and declared that “anti-blackness is the foundation of all American institutions.” Would UCSF invite a white speaker to say such things about black people? Lipocrisy!
February 3, 2024: Woke Kindergarten teaches antiwhitism. A Hayward, California public school used the Woke Kindergarden program and test scores dropped. Apparently teaching five year olds to hate white people doesn't make them smarter.
January 11, 2024: Disney, like every other liberal Hollywood studio, is one of the largest antiwhite institutions in the country. Discrimination against white people is part of Disney's business model. Not surprisingly, Disney considers Malcolm X a genius. Well, I'm guessing they consider him a genius because they made a docuseries called, ‘Genius: MLK/X.’ about him. Malcom X believed in the separation of races, preached antiwhitism and promoted political violence. He was the public face of the Nation of Islam (NOI) for 12 years. The NOI has engaged in Holocaust denial, and exaggerates the role of Jews in the African slave trade; Walt Disney is turning over in his grave.
December 14, 2023: "I'm dreaming of an Antiwhite Christmas." Liberals have updated this classic Christmas song for 2023. Boston's liberal Democrat mayor, Michelle Wu, held a non-white's only party for Boston's city council members. They call it the "Electeds of Color Holiday Party. Whites are not invited. Wu had this to say about the race-exclusive party: “There are many events that are private events for all sorts of groups, so we’ve clarified that and look forward to seeing everyone at one of the dozens of opportunities to celebrate the holidays." Would a whites only holiday party be characterized this way? Hmmm? Liberals are gradually bringing segregation back to America.
March 9, 2023: For all intents and purposes, liberals are campaigning to make White Americans the Jews of the 21st century. Read about the forces that caused the rise of antisemitism in Europe and you’ll see those same forces being harnessed by Liberal democrats toward white Americans. Case in Point: A recent LA Times headline read: "How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.'s people of color". The entire article consists of language intended to make people of color hate white people for driving cars on freeways that go through their neighborhoods. Not surprisingly, the article was based on a new study from University of Southern California researchers. Essentially, we have the liberal universities creating studies demonizing white people followed by the liberal media disseminating the hateful propaganda. The Nazis did this.
March 1, 2023: Robin DiAngelo is the liberal thoughtless leader who invented the anti-social science construct, “white fragility”. “White fragility” attacks white people who refuse to accept the "antiracism" orthodoxy which asserts everything American is white racism. During a March 1 webinar entitled, “Racial Justice: The next Frontier", she said this: “People of color need to get away from white people and have some community with each other. Antiracism, to her, apparently means racial segregation. Later on in the discussion, DiAngelo went on to suggest that people who do not concede to antiracist teachings shouldn't be allowed to have a job and make a living.
February 27, 2023: In a white house speech, liberal president, Joe Biden, insinuated that most white males are stupid. His exact words were these: "I may be a white boy, but I ain't stupid".
February 13, 2023: On February 3, a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, leading to a toxic chemical leak that forced evacuations for thousands of residents living nearby. 93.5% of East Palestine's population is white. In one of his first public appearances since the disaster, liberal Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, avoided discussing the disaster. Instead, he chose to attack infrastructure construction workers as being too white, and encourage contractors to racially discriminate against white workers. East Palestine is located in Columbiana country. In the 2020 Presidential election, the county voted 71.5% Republican to 26.7% Democrat. Hmmm?
February 13, 2023: Black people who promote their own race and encourage racial discrimination against others are honored, venerated and revered. Case in point: I just saw a story on a local cable channel about a young black girl who started a company glorifying being black. The story was nothing but complimentary. Liberal celebrity, Alicia Keys, even posted a picture of her on Instagram with the caption: “I love this beautiful girl@kherispoppin and I love her mission! Keep shining." By stark contrast, and according to liberal Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, "America Needs to Repent for its worship of whiteness". White people are also expected to confess to having "white privilege" and "White supremacy". Those who refuse are accused of “White Fragility”. White people who cry about the antiwhitism are told they have "white tears". To liberal leaders, Everything white is bad, and everything black is good. But liberals oppose racism, right? Give me a fricken break!
February 1, 2023: Five black Memphis police officers beat Tyre King, a black man, so badly that he dies a few days later. Clearly, no anti-black racism was involved. In the aftermath, liberal Whoopi Goldberg said this on The View: "Do we need to see white people also get beaten before anyone will do anything?" What Goldberg is suggesting is that white Americans are so inherently racist (evil) that we're incapable of having compassion when an innocent man, who happens to be black, gets beaten to death by police. It's a complete lie like most everything liberals say. In Nazi Germany, identification of jews as a problem led to envy, fear, resentment and hatred, which led to persecution and eventual attempts of Jewish extermination. This is a perfect example of a liberal identifying white people as being the problem.
January 9, 2023: Liberal Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill to criminalize "hate speech". The bill would impose criminal penalties for anyone who "published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on ‘replacement theory,’ or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group, and such published material," if it was "read, heard, or viewed by a person who engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime." This is a racist bill since it only criminalizes "hate speech" against non-white people. By the way, liberals define colorblindness, the phrase "Make America Great Again" and denial of their "white privilege" fabrication as "white supremacy". I wonder what race will be most affected by this bill should it become law? Hmmm?
December 7, 2022: Liberal leaders are using our universities to weaponize American children against the white race. On September 21, 2021, Rutgers University Professor, Brittney Cooper said the most antiwhite racist things in an interview and nobody at the University condemned her. She said that white people are committed to being villains. The said white people’s thinking is so morally and spiritually bankrupt about power that they can’t let go of power because they cannot imagine another way to be. It is either that you dominate or that you are dominated, she continued. At one point during the interview, she said this about white people: “The thing I want to say to you is we got to take these motherfuckers out. Cooper is an associate professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University.
October 9, 2022: This is not about antiwhitism, but it shows pure libpocrisy. So, liberals claim Republicans are the racists. Really? In leaked audio, liberal LA city councilmembers Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, and Kevin de Leon make racist remarks: Martinez called a black child of a white LA city councilmember a little monkey. She also referred to a black child as "Su Negrito" which is a racist Spanish term. These three liberals also attack white people for being white. These are three of the most powerful liberals in California. Liberals are the racists. Get it!!
October 1, 2022: Despite the fact that liberals define discrimination against a person of color as racism, and discrimination against a white person as antiracism, I know the truth: discriminatioin against a white person is racism. In the midst of one of the worst natural disasters in American history, Hurricane Ian, liberal VP Kamala Harris made her racist relief efforts crystal clear: in the name of "equity", “communities of color” would be first in line for relief. This is the new Democrat party. White people have to sit in the back of the bus so to speak.
September 30, 2022: Most of liberal leader's racism is directed against whites. But every once in awhile, their racist feelings about blacks, or in this case, hispanics comes out. See how liberal Nancy Pelosi truly feels about hispanic immigrants.
September 8, 2022: This article shows that there still are some good people in the Democrat party as South Carolina Democrats are calling on their party's US Senate nominee to quit after she made antiwhite remarks. Krystle Matthews, is a devout anti-white racist. Sitting in a restaurant, Matthews, who is Black, is heard saying that she represents a “mostly white” district, adding, of white voters: “I keep them right here — like under my thumbs. ... Otherwise, they get out of control — like kids.” Matthews goes on to say this: “You ought to know who you’re dealing with. You’ve got to treat them like shit. That’s the only way they’ll respect you.” This liberal racist also talks about having her supporters commit election fraud. So much for Republicans being the racist threat to our democracy.
August 25, 2022: American Express has adopted liberal "anti-racism" into it's culture. In the name of "anti-racism", white employees are forced to attend seminars where they're labeled as bigots and forced to acknowledge having "white privilege". Company executives are given monetary incentives to "decrease the percentage of white employees in their departments. In addition, according to a lawsuit against AMEX, white employees are denied opportunities due to the color of their skin and punished and fired for asking to be treated equally. In another story, liberals claim to be the party of equality. Libpocrisy!
August 18, 2022: An off-campus housing co-op for University of California, Berkeley students has banned white people from entering common spaces to “avoid white violence”. This explanation for the ban, alone, foments hatred and bigotry of white people. One mixed-race student, who claimed to have lived at the house, said that their “presence as a light skinned person was not received well” and that they were called slurs. One of the house rules reads as follows: "Avoid bringing parents/family members that express bigotry". Really? The university claims it can't stop this since it's not on campus. Something tells me if an off-campus housing co-op banned non-white people from entering, Berkely would find a way to stop it. This is liberal hypocrisy personified. P.S.: They make you declare your race when signing in. Didn't Hitler force jews to wear a Jewish badge to identify themselves.This is where liberal Democrats are leading us, and according to them, none of this is racist or divisive. Hmmm?
July 28, 2022: Let's be clear, when Democrat leaders tout "diversity", they're touting racial discrimination against white people. I consider this antiwhitism. Case in point: Among the federal judges appointed by liberal President Joe Biden, 28% are Black; 22% are Hispanic; and 18% are Asian, according to the ABA. The last time I looked, black people were about 14% of the U.S. population. 6.6% of the population is Asian, and 19% is hispanic. So, 39.6% of the population are black, hispanic and Asian while 68% of Biden's appointments were of these races. This is institutionalized antiwhitism.
June 22, 2022: Little foments envy, resentment, anger and hatred more than the belief that another person (or group of people) is being given special rights, advantages or immunities over you or your group. Cadets at West Point Military academy are now being taught that white people have white privilege. One presentation slide has the caption, "Modern Day Slavery In The USA". It then notes that Black people are less likely to "have a college education, receive recommended medical screening tests, receive bank approval for a housing mortgage, own their own homes or receive a job promotion." They're literally comparing black people being less well off to slavery. Could that foment antiwhitism? Will this make our military more united? Hmmm?
April 12, 2022: Frank James, a black man, committed a terrorist act at Brooklyn's 36th Street station on the morning of April 12. 23 people were wounded, 10 of them from gunfire. "White privilege" states that white people have unearned and stolen wealth. "Whiteness" defines white people as violent, oppressive, arrogant, privileged, racist and evil. The "Karen" is a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding. All three of these were created by liberal Democrat leaders. In social media posts, Frank James called for violence against people on the basis of their skin color. In one video, he says that "the White Motherfuckers that I want to kill, you know, I really want to kill them because they're White." On Facebook, he posted a meme that said, "Oh Black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys." Why was he so angry? Well, James explained that himself: "the vast majority of people, white motherfuckers, are racist." None of the mainstream media reported on his antiwhitism. Hmmm? When liberals continuously tell black people that all white people hate them, don't be surprised by people like Frank James.
April 6, 2022: Racial discrimination, for any reason is racism. United Airlines believes racial discrimination against white people is a moral imperative. The airline bought a flight-training academy in 2021. They are the only airline to own one. I wonder why United Airlines wants to train their own pilots? This might explain why. The airline plans to train 5,000 new pilots by 2030. In the name of "diversity", half of them will be people of color and women. The United States is facing its worst pilot shortage in recent memory. It's forcing airlines to cut thousands of flights. Instead of focusing on getting qualified pilots, United Airlines priority is to not hire white pilots. Think about this.
March 27, 2022: When people discriminate against black people, it's called racism. When people discriminate against white people, it's called justice. The 94th Annual Oscar Awards were held on Sunday, March 27 with Will Packer producing the event with an all black production team. Packer said the following about his racism, " I’m proud of ours being the first all-Black team but I don’t feel the need to talk about it inordinately..." Will Packer is proud of his racism. Not only is this antiwhite racism, it's anti Hispanic, Asian and every other race.
February 15, 2022: When liberal leaders accuse white people of racism without any evidence, as they falsely do every minute of every day, they're being racist. New York City's liberal black mayor, Eric Adams, accused a group of mostly white reporters at a press conference of covering him negatively because he's black. “I’m a black man that’s the mayor but my story is being interpreted by people that don’t look like me.” When you assume the worst of someone because of the color of their skin, you're a racist. Aren't liberals against racism? Libpocrisy!
January 27, 2022: When supreme court justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, the Biden administration again vowed to nominate a black women for the court. He actually promised to do this while running for the presidency. While being a man of his word is a good thing, it really isn't when his promise is massive discrimination. In addition to being anti white, this is anti male, anti hispanic, anti Asian and anti everything else. Liberal leaders call this "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion". They even call doing this "antiracism". This is institutionalized liberal Democrat racism, period!
January 10, 2022: The Biden administration gives preferential access to Covid-19 medications to blacks and other non whites. This is institutional anti-white discrimination.
December 6, 2021: Cora Masters Barry is an antiwhite bigot who belongs to a liberal group called, Black Women Leaders and Allies. In November 2020, Barry said "Fuck the white women" during a Zoom meeting. Vice President Kamala Harris held a private meeting with her and her group on December 6, 2021. By the way, the Black Women Leaders and Allies considers themselves a civil rights group. I suppose hating white women is now part of the civil rights movement. Libpocrisy!
November 26, 2021: Black Lives Matter (BLM) has the complete endorsement of the liberal Democrat party. It's also supported by their liberal allies in the media, Corporate human resource departments, colleges and universites, etc, etc. Merry Christmas from BLM. to celebrate the season, the organization has asked that their supporters not buy presents from white owned companies. Supporters are referred to where where told, " We’re dreaming of a #Blackxmas. That means no spending with white companies from 11/26/2021 – 01/01/2022."
November 17, 2021: Dehumanization of the white race is a key liberal tactic. After Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty in the shooting deaths of two liberal Democrats who were trying to kill him, MSNBC’s Joy Reid referred to the 18 year old’s tears during the trial as “white male tears”. It seems to me that she’s trying to equate a white person crying with crocodile tears. Crocodile tears are false tears, an insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. So, when people of color cry, one should have sympathy, compassion and empathy. When a white male cries, they’re fake tears and should be viewed as weaponized white supremacy.
November 8, 2021: Nothing is more racist than discriminating against someone because of their race. That's the actual definition of racism. State Street Global Advisors, one of the largest investment firms in the world, is forcing its executives to discriminate against white men. The new policy reportedly states that white men may only be hired after a panel of four or five people made up of at least one woman and people who aren’t white have evaluated a myriad of job candidates of all different races and ethnicities first. Executives that don't discriminate against white men will receive smaller bonuses.
November 1, 2021: Liberal Democrat Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe complained that too many Virginia educators are white. “Fifty percent of students at Virginia schools — K-12 — 50 percent are students of color, and yet 80 percent of the teachers are white...We all know what we have to do in a school to make everybody feel comfortable in school.” I didn't realize white teachers made non-white students uncomfortable. Perhaps we should just fire them all? While we're at it, let's fire all white workers in every industry in the country, since according to liberals, it would make non-whites more comfortable. McAuliffe said this the night before the election. He apparantly believes promoting racial discrimination against whites is a winning issue. Thankfully, the piece of shit lost.
October 28, 2021: AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that “American racism is a uniquely white trait”. It's based on liberal Democrat critical race theory. White employees, according to an ATT senior employee, are expected to confess their complicity in “white privilege” and “systemic racism,” or they will be penalized in their performance reviews. They will also be labeled racist if they don't do it. The program claims that the United States is a “racist society” and lays out its thesis plainly: “White people, you are the problem." It also claims that black people can't be racist which is a flat out lie. So, according to ATT Corporation, only white people can be racist, what they consider to be evil. This, may I remind you, is coming from the party of love.
October 1, 2021: A UCLA professor was suspended for not grading black students more leniently after George Floyd's death. When he refused to discriminate against white, hispanic and Asian students, a petition with 20,000 signatures circulated that demanded he be fired. Thankfully, the professor is now suing UCLA. We need to fight back against this racism.
September 27, 2021: Part of the liberal Democrat Matrix is the ideologies perversion of the word privilege. The word's dictionary definition is, "a right or immunity granted as an advantage to some and not others." It's basically discrimination and as such has a negative connotation. The liberal term "white privilege" was created to slander the white race by smearing privilege on every single white person. Liberals have also perverted the word white supremacy. A kkk member and a nazi are white supremacists. The liberal term "white supremacy" was created to slander anyone who believes all Americans should be treated equally, our southern border should be defended and we all belong to the human race.
September 24, 2021 In this video, a liberal university student viciously attacks white students for having a Police Lives Matter sticker on a laptop in what they referred to as their space. They tell the white students "white is not a culture”, "This is our space”, “We made this fucking space”, “You have the second floor”, "America was created by Genocide and slavery” and much worse.
September 9, 2021: If there was a white national anthem, would the NFL have it sung before every NFL game? Of course not. That would be considered racist against black people. It is just as racist to have a black national anthem sung before an NFL game, but that is exactly what the now-racist NFL did on September 9, 2021. Shame on them.
August 18, 2021: Bank of America Corporation implemented a racial reeducation program that claims the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work,” instructing white employees in particular to “decolonize [their] mind[s]” and “cede power to people of color.”
November 19, 2020: California Latino elected officials and organizers pressure governor to fill the vacant Senate seat of Kamala Harris with one of their own people. This is racism personified.
August 14, 2020: Black Lives Matter protestors demanded that white people give their homes to black people. Liberal Democrat leaders all support BLM. Therefore, liberal Democrat leaders must also demand that white people give their homes to black people.
August 13, 2020: The Department of Justice finds that Yale University systematically discriminates against whites and Asians.
July 6, 2020: Discover Card Gives Money to Black owned restaurants only to help them recover from the pandemic. I suppose no white owned restaurants suffered at all? It's that darned "white privilege".
June 25, 2020: Officials in Lincoln County Oregon forced only white people to wear face masks during the pandemic. Would it be racist if a state issued an order that all people statewide must wear facial coverings except for white people.
February 13, 2013: The University of Minnesota had a campaign called “Unfair Campaign”. It featured a video of white individuals apologizing for their skin color and saying it was unfair they were born white.
November 29, 2000: In this oldie but goodie, President Bill Clinton issues executive order 13171 which gives Hispanics preferential treatment in hiring with the federal government.
August 13, 2020: Sandia National Laboratories, a federal contractor responsible for building the U.S.'s nuclear weapons, sent its executives to mandatory "diversity training". The trainers claim that "white male culture" leads to "lowered quality of life at work and home, reduced life expectancy, unproductive relationships, and high stress." The seminar also asked white males to recite a series of "white privilege statements" and "male privilege statements." It concluded with its white male participants writing letters of apology to "marginalized" people.
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