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Hatred Towards Whites
“Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love… Our aim must never be to defeat or humiliate the white man, but to win his friendship and understanding.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a very wise man. Today’s Liberal Democrats created the race concepts “whiteness” and “white fragility” to humiliate the white man. They then expanded the definition of “white supremacy” beyond it’s traditional meaning of a neo nazi or KKK member to inflame hatred towards white people. Liberals also created the “white privilege” social construct to cause guilt, shame and self-hatred within the white population. If a white person has the audacity to express their point of view about racial issues to a person of color, liberals will accuse them of "whitesplaining" to shame them into silence. Not so wise unless you're trying to start a race war.
Today, Anti-white racism (antiwhitism) is the main ideological weapon of 21st century liberalism. Liberal leaders believe that racism is evil and then state, as a matter of fact, that all white people are inherently racist. Therefore, to a liberal, all white people are evil. Believing that a race is inherently evil leads to hatred of that race.
Liberal leaders condemned President Trump for calling Covid-19 the China or Wuhan virus. They claimed that calling a virus that originated from a foreign country, China, by the country’s name created racism towards Americans of Asian descent. There may be some truth to this. However, let’s compare it to the antiwhite propaganda of today's liberal leaders. They’re the ones who created the antiwhite social constructs, "white privilege", whiteness” and “white supremacy” which cultivate intense hostility towards white people (Lipocrisy). They’re also the ones imposing critical race theory (CRT) into our schools. CRT is a Marxist theory that asserts all white people are oppressors while all others are oppressed by them. CRT's "whiteness" social construct equates white people to the devil and teaches this to eight year olds. China virus or all white American’s are evil racist oppressors. Which is worse? Hmmm? Please take a moment and really think about this.
If not black, imagine being a black American and loyal to the Democrat party. Then, imagine that for as long as you can remember, the party leaders have told you that white people are given privilege over you. In addition, they tell you that every white person is your oppressor, and every American institution was designed by your oppressor to benefit them (Systemic Racism) while keeping you in poverty (White supremacy). Would this make you resentful towards white people? Does resentment lead to anger and hate? Will this make our country better? Liberal leaders don’t care. They feed off hate. It makes them more powerful which is all that matters to them.
In addition to fostering black antipathy towards whites, the concept of "white privilege" encourages guilt and shame within the white population. It postulates that all white people have unearned wealth and success: that they don’t deserve what they have. Is it wise to indoctrinate the majority population of your country into believing this? To the liberal Democrat leadership it is, because if successful, it will be easier for them to persuade white Americans to have their wealth redistributed to the black and brown population through communist policies such as reparations. Interesting? Lastly, indoctrinating white children to hate their own race, and feel guilt and shame for being white, which the "white privilege" social construct does, surely lowers their self-esteem. In the 1990’s, Liberal Democrats were all about maximizing children’s self-esteem. They were fighting to the death to give out 20th place trophies for crying out loud. To today’s liberal leaders, the self-esteem of white children doesn’t matter. It appears to me, actually, that lowering the self-esteem of white children (i.e. demoralizing them) is their priority. I wonder why?
Liberals proclaim that the “system is rigged” in favor of whites, that white culture (which doesn’t actually exist) oppresses others and that “systemic” white racism pervades all American institutions. If you don't believe that this kind of antiwhite propaganda fosters hatred of white people, then I have a bridge to sell you.
When I was young, a white supremacist was a person who believed that the white race was superior to other races. That was, and still is in 2020, the dictionary definition of white supremacy. Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members are examples of white supremacists. White supremacy has a very negative connotation, due to these associations, as it should.
In the late 1980’s liberals in academia came up with a field of study called critical race theory (CRT) that expanded the definition of white supremacy. According to CRT’s definition of white supremacy, “racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between races to maintain elite white interests in labour markets and politics, giving rise to poverty and criminality in many minority communities”. This theory is taught in almost every American university. Liberal Democrat leaders are now infecting our K-12 schools with this toxic ideology. It basically says that every American institution was deliberately designed by white people to be racist against people of color. Is it conceivable that teaching American students that everything American is comprised of white racism would cause a few people to hate whites? Hmmm? The children's book "Not My Idea" teaches 8 year olds that white people are the devil. Liberal leaders are trying to get this book into every grade school in the nation.
The 2021 liberal definition of "white supremacy" expands the definition even further. It actually defines someone who believes in a colorblind society as a white supremacist. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted his children "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Based on this new definition, he was a white supremacist. Based on this new definition, if you're white and don't want to be racially discriminated against, you're now a "white supremacist".
If you're white and reject liberalism's fictitious social constructs of "whiteness", "white privilege", "white supremacy", "whitesplaining" and "systemic racism", liberals have fabricated a name for that too. I wonder if it has the word white in it? Of course it does. According to liberalism, everything bad has the word white in it. Hmmm? "White fragility" is the phenomenon by which white people become angry, defensive, or hostile when confronted with the idea that they are complicit in "systemic racism". Sounds like a mental illness to me. Oh, I see where this is going: "White fragility" was tactically created to dismiss anyone who challenges the "systemic racism" lie as being mentally ill (i.e. insane). I wonder what the liberal Democrats are going to do with all us crazy people. Can you say forced re-eduation (diversity training programs) or institutionalization.
Creating anti-white theories like “white privilege”, “white supremacy”, “whiteness” and “white fragility” to humiliate, dismiss as mentally ill, and cause hatred towards white people wasn’t enough for liberal leaders. Published in 2019, The 1619 Project of the New York Time’s is probably the most anti-white document ever written. Virtually every paragraph is written to maximize resentment, anger and hatred of white Americans. The founder of this project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, once wrote a letter to the editor in Notre Dame’s The Observer stating that “the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world.” She also wrote that “Christopher Columbus and those like him were no different then Hitler.” The 1619 Project is now being taught in many American schools. Even if you agree with some or all of what’s in the 1619 project, I ask you to read about it for yourself and then ask yourself the following questions: could the ideas put forth in it create resentment and hatred toward white people? Will its ideas bring us together or divide us as a nation?
One of the most dangerous consequences of this intentional creation of hatred towards whites by liberal leaders is guilt by accusation. Essentially, liberals believe that if a black person accuses a white person of racism, the white person is guilty. Afterall, Liberals believe all white people are racist and therefore must be guilty. If a white cop hurts or kills a black suspect in an altercation, the white cop’s actions are presumed to be racially motivated before an investigation even begins. And yet, liberals claim to be the paragons of fairness and justice? But don’t take my word for it. Listen to the liberal Democrat leaders. If you do, you’ll discover that the theme of most of their narratives is that white people are bad.
What's most scary to me is that while liberal leaders are diligently indoctrinating non-whites to hate white people, their simultaneously increasing the number of non whites in the country with policies that encourage illegal immigration. Coincidence?
If you’re a liberal Democrat and no longer want to support a political party whose ideology is centered around hate, please leave the party. It’s no longer what you signed up for.
Being the obediant marxist that they are, liberal leaders especially enjoy exploiting envy to foster hatred of the wealthy.
Following are examples of liberals creating and expressing hatred towards white people:
October 26, 2024: Former ESPN host and liberal, Jemele Hill, recently shamed former race car driver Danica Patrick for being white and voting for Donald Trump. Hill called Patrick's voting decision "unhinged" and an example of why she does "not trust white women" in America. Later she wrote white men are the "worse [sic] thing in America for decades." Imagine what would happen if a conservative TV host, not that there are many, said black men are the worse fucking thing in America. They would never be heard from again. Jemele Hill is still out there. Lipocrisy!
October 24, 2024: This is antiwhite propaganda directed at children created by a "social justice" (i.e. communist) organization called the African American Policy Forum. It will create resentment, anger and hatred towards whites from people of color. It will also make white kids feel guilt and shame and self-hatred. By doing these things, it creates a culture where antiwhite discrimination such as "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion" are rationalized. "Social Justice" is a communist belief that opportunity (hence wealth) should be distributed not by merit, experience or aptitude but by "identity": from whites to non whites, from men to women, from heterosexuals to LGBTXYG, from Americans to Immigrants.
August 16, 2024: Liberal presidential nominee, Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz have a new campaign video out that mocks being white. "I have White guy tacos, and . . .," Walz says in the campaign video of him and Harris discussing some of their favorite foods. "What does that mean? Like mayonnaise and tuna? What are you doing?" Harris quipped back. Walz responded by saying it was "pretty much" just ground beef and cheese. "That’s OK," Harris then added. "Do you put any flavor in it?" she asked. "Uh, no," Walz responded, garnering a cackle from Harris. The subliminal message is that white people are bland, flavorless and boring. This is also insinuating that Mexicans are better than white Americans. Think about it. What would happen if a Black Republican candidate made fun of black people eating watermelon and fried chicken? Lipocrisy!
July 29, 2024: Liberal leaders constantly accuse white men of being racists. For example: A "White Dudes For Harris" virtual meeting was held to increase support for Liberal Democrat Kamala Harris. The organizer, Ross Morales Rocketto, said this at the meeting: "Throughout American history, when White men organized, it was often with pointy hats on." So, according to this liberal asshole, white men equals Ku Klux Klan. Liberal leaders actually believe calling white men racists is the key to gaining their support. It's weird.
June 30, 2024: On this Sunday's episode of "This Week With George Stephanopoulos", Liberal Democrat Senator Chris Coons confirmed everything I've written about the Democrat party's hatred of white people. Regarding Joe Biden's announcement that he was running for President in 2020, Coon's said this: "I was with him when he announced in Philadelphia in 2019, and most of my colleagues said, 'Oh, he's too centrist, he's too white, he's too moderate". Coon's admitted that most Democat leaders now believe white people can't run for office anymore in America. Jonathan Karl, the interviewer, didn't say a thing as if that thinking is the norm (which it is in the Democrat party). If a Republican Senator said that most of his Republican colleagues thought Obama was too black to run for office, would Karl have accused him of racism? You know the answer to that. Lipocrisy!
March 10, 2024: Even Liberalism’s definition of racism is racist because it states that only white people can be racist. Seriously, it does. Furthermore, their definition is fake. My 2016 Merriam Webster dictionary defines racism as follows: “a belief that some races are by nature superior to others; discrimination based on such belief”. This article from the liberal LA times claims that black people can't be racist. Plenty of black people believe they're superior to white people and discriminate on that belief . Also, liberals believe racism is evil and then state that only white people can be racist. I wonder if that might create resentment, anger and hatred of whites?
March 7, 2024: In Nazi Germany, antisemitism was official government policy—it was taught in schools, included in “scientific” journal and research institutes and promoted in party propaganda. In Liberal America today, antiwhitism is used in just the same way. A new book, White Rural Rage, paints white rural Americans as the greatest threat to American democracy. The authors, political scientist Tom Schaller and journalist Paul Waldman, try to buttress this argument by citing scholarly publications. Both authors are liberals.
February 22, 2024: Liberal-controlled Google launched Gemini artificial intelligence on February 8. As part of the new service, Gemini offers an image generator. When Gemini was asked to show a picture of a White person, it said it could not fulfill the request because it "reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race." When prompted to show images of a Black person, the AI instead offered to show images that "celebrate the diversity and achievement of Black people." Liberal Google believes white people are bad and black people are good. They're using their control over the internet to spread their racist beliefs. Oh, and Google said this was a mistake. No fucking way.
February 9, 2024: Dante King, A guest speaker invited to deliver a Black History Month lecture on “Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness” at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), told his audience the following: “ Whites are psychopaths who have it written in the law you can rape black women. And their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history.” He went on to declare that “anti-blackness is the foundation of all American institutions.” I wonder if this might cause some black folks to hate white people? Hmmm?
May 30, 2023: Imagine what would happen if a high profile conservative said the following: “It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. Black men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom." This person is essentially blaming the end of the world on Black men. The Liberal controlled media, social media, search engines, press, etc would all attack that person so as to destroy them. Well, liberal Jane Fonda just said exactly this about White men and there were crickets from the aforementioned groups. You see, demonizing white men is glorified and revered by today's liberal leaders.
March 9, 2023: For all intents and purposes, liberals are campaigning to make White Americans the Jews of the 21st century. Read about the forces that caused the rise of antisemitism in Europe and you’ll see those same forces being harnessed by Liberal democrats toward white Americans. Case in Point: A recent LA Times headline read: "How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.'s people of color". The entire article consists of language intended to make people of color hate white people for driving cars on freeways that go through their neighborhoods. Not surprisingly, the article was based on a new study from University of Southern California researchers. Essentially, we have the liberal universities creating studies demonizing white people followed by the liberal media disseminating the hateful propaganda. The Nazis did this.
February 2, 2023: Florida State University, under the complete control of liberals, has adopted a series of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programs that divides Americans along a “matrix of oppression." The trainers make the case that whites are responsible for the “systematic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little power". Whites are also guilty of “cultural racism,” or the creation and maintenance of social structures that “overtly and covertly attribute normality to white people and Whiteness.” In a related story, liberals insist they're the party of love and that "love conquers hate".
February 1, 2023: Five black Memphis police officers beat Tyre King, a black man, so badly that he dies a few days later. Clearly, no anti-black racism was involved. In the aftermath, liberal Whoopi Goldberg said this on The View: "Do we need to see white people also get beaten before anyone will do anything?" What Goldberg is suggesting is that white Americans are so inherently racist (evil) that we're incapable of having compassion when an innocent man, who happens to be black, gets beaten to death by police. It's demonization of the white race. In Nazi Germany, identification of jews as a problem led to envy, fear, resentment and hatred, which led to persecution and eventual attempts of Jewish extermination. This is a perfect example of a liberal identifying white people as being the problem.
December 7, 2022: Liberal leaders are using our universities to weaponize American children against the white race. On September 21, 2021, Rutgers University Professor, Brittney Cooper said the most antiwhite racist things in an interview and nobody at the University condemned her. She said that white people are committed to being villains. The said white people’s thinking is so morally and spiritually bankrupt about power that they can’t let go of power because they cannot imagine another way to be. It is either that you dominate or that you are dominated, she continued. At one point during the interview, she said this about white people: “The thing I want to say to you is we got to take these motherfuckers out. Cooper is an associate professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University.
October 3, 2022: In liberal dogma, "Implicit bias" claims all white people are inherently racist. Liberal leaders have created "implicit bias" training courses to brainwash white people into believing they're racist and have inserted the courses into our institutions. A Texas nurse named Laura Morgan was fired for refusing to take "implicit bias" training. According to Morgan, "Nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals in these states are denied licenses if they refuse to take the course that essentially tells them they’re all inherently racist." So, either you let liberals brainwash you into hating yourself or your right to work in your chosen profession is taken away. Hate yourself or die. "Implicit Bias" also makes non-whites hate white people since it basically says we all hate them. But remember, liberal Democrats are the party of love.
September 8, 2022: This article shows that there still are some good people in the Democrat party as South Carolina Democrats are calling on their party's US Senate nominee to quit after she made antiwhite remarks. Krystle Matthews, is a devout anti-white racist. Sitting in a restaurant, Matthews, who is Black, is heard saying that she represents a “mostly white” district, adding, of white voters: “I keep them right here — like under my thumbs. ... Otherwise, they get out of control — like kids.” Matthews goes on to say this about white people: “You ought to know who you’re dealing with. You’ve got to treat them like shit. That’s the only way they’ll respect you.” This liberal racist also talks about having her supporters commit election fraud. So much for Republicans being the racist threat to our democracy.
August 18, 2022: An off-campus housing co-op for University of California, Berkeley students has banned white people from entering common spaces to “avoid white violence and presence”. This explanation alone foments hatred and bigotry of white people. One mixed-race student, who claimed to have lived at the house, said that their “presence as a light skinned person was not received well” and that they were called slurs. Ironically, one of the house rules reads as follows: "Avoid bringing parents/family members that express bigotry". Really? The university claims it can't stop this since it's not on campus. Something tells me if an off-campus housing co-op banned non-white people from entering, Berkely would find a way to stop it. This is liberal hypocrisy personified. P.S.: They make you declare your race when signing in. Didn't Hitler force jews to wear a Jewish badge to identify themselves.This is where liberal Democrats are leading us, and according to them, none of this is racist or divisive. Hmmm?
June 22, 2022: Little foments envy, resentment, anger and hatred more than the belief that another person (or group of people) is being given special rights, advantages or immunities over you or your group. Cadets at West Point Military academy are now being taught that white people have privileges and advantages because they're white. One slide in a presentation has the caption "Modern Day Slavery In The USA". It notes that Black people are less likely to "have a college education, receive recommended medical screening tests, receive bank approval for a housing mortgage, own their own homes or receive a job promotion." They're literally comparing black people being less well off than white people to slavery. Could that foment hatred of white people? Hmmm?
April 26, 2022: Imagine if a white tv talk show host on ABC said the words “Gay Black Woman” with such contemp. Also, is Sunny Hostin against straight white men having free speech. It kind of sounds like it to me. She implies that straight white men having free speech is somehow a bad thing. Imagine if a white tv talk show host on ABC intimated that black people should be denied free speech. Click here for more on racist sexist Sunny Hostin.
April 12, 2022: Remember what Martin Luther King Jr. said: "Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness". Frank James, a black man, committed a terrorist act at Brooklyn's 36th Street station on the morning of April 12. 23 people were wounded, 10 of them from gunfire. "White privilege" states that white people have unearned and stolen wealth. "Whiteness" defines white people as violent, oppressive, arrogant, privileged, racist and evil. The "Systemic Racism" social construct states that white people designed every American institution to oppress black people. All three of these were created by liberal Democrat leaders to foment antiwhite hatred. In social media posts, Frank James called for violence against white people. In one video, he says that "the White Motherfuckers that I want to kill, you know, I really want to kill them because they're White." On Facebook, he posted a meme that said, "Oh Black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys." Why was he so angry? Well, James explained that himself: "the vast majority of people, white motherfuckers, are racist."
December 24, 2021: As a Christmas present to non whites, the Mankato School Board voted unanimously for a policy that grants additional pay exclusively to non-white teachers. The new policy will also have the district “placing American Indian educators at sites with other American Indian educators and educators of color at sites with other educators of color.” “When you’re one [minority] of a [white] majority it can be very isolating and lonely. To have a support system in place for them is not to segregate them, it is absolutely to support them,” member Erin Roberts said. The liberals are now pushing segregation. Segregation foments hatred.
December 6, 2021: Cora Masters Barry is an antiwhite bigot who belongs to a liberal group called, Black Women Leaders and Allies. In November 2020, Barry said "Fuck the white women" during a Zoom meeting. Vice President Kamala Harris held a private meeting with her and her group on December 6, 2021. Perhaps Kamala Harris hates white women too. Birds of a feather...
November 26, 2021: Black Lives Matter (BLM) has the complete endorsement of the liberal Democrat party. Merry Christmas from BLM. To celebrate the season, the organization has asked that their supporters not buy presents from white owned companies. Supporters are referred to where where told, " We’re dreaming of a #Blackxmas. That means no spending with white companies from 11/26/2021 – 01/01/2022." On their Instagram page, you're asked to "Move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks." Telling people that white banks finance their oppression will create anti-white hatred, period. And it's a complete lie.
November 17, 2021: Demonization of the white race is a key liberal tactic. After Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty in the shooting deaths of two liberal Democrats who were attempting to murder him, MSNBC’s Joy Reid referred to the 18 year old’s tears during the trial as “white male tears”. It seems to me that she’s trying to equate a white person crying with crocodile tears. Crocodile tears are false tears, an insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. So, when people of color cry, one should have sympathy, compassion and empathy. When a white male cries, they’re fake tears and should be viewed as weaponized white supremacy.
October 28, 2021: AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that “American racism is a uniquely white trait”. White employees, according to an ATT senior employee, are expected to confess their complicity in “white privilege” and “systemic racism,” or they will be penalized in their performance reviews. The program claims that the United States is a “racist society” and lays out its thesis plainly: “White people, you are the problem." It also claims that black people can't be racist which is a flat out lie. So, according to ATT Corporation, only white people can be racist, what they consider to be evil. This, may I remind you, is coming from the party of love.
October 22, 2021: Kyla N. Golding , A black Harvard pre-med student quit her pre-med studies and blamed “white supremacy”. Of course, she never gave one example of how "white supremacy" hurt her. In this Harvard Crimson Op Ed she writes: “It is a story of how white supremacy lives and breathes in each of our bodies, spreading between each of us –body to body – like contagion.” Could comparing white people to a contagious disease cause hatred towards white people? Hmmm. This is the insane thinking that our universities are creating with Critical Race Theory. Because of CRT, we just lost a doctor. Given that she's a pathetic cowardly weak racist quitter, it’s probably for the best.
October 17. 2021: Walmart has forced more than 1,000 executives to go through liberalism's critical race theory training. The program begins with the claim that the US is a "white supremacy system' designed by white Europeans for the purpose of assigning and maintaining white skin access to power and privilege." Is it possible this could cause hatred towards white people? Hmmm.
September 24, 2021 In this video, liberal university students viciously attack white students for having a Police Lives Matter sticker on a laptop in what they referred to as their space. They tell the white students "white is not a culture”, "This is our space”, “We made this fucking space”, “You have the second floor”, “This white man thinks he can take up our space.”, "Fuck America bro, America was created by Genocide and slavery”. They use the Karen antiwhite stereotype, and much worse. And Liberals claim to be the party of love.
August 18, 2021: Bank of America Corporation implemented a racial reeducation program that claims the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work,” instructing white employees in particular to “decolonize [their] mind[s]” and “cede power to people of color.”
May 23, 2021: When you create spaces and places where members of a group aren't welcome or allowed, you're creating hatred towards that group. You are alienating and marginalizing people because of who they are. A Massachussets school district created an event where white students weren't allowed. This, of course, was done by the school district's office of diversity, equity and inclusion. How inclusive of them. Understand something, when a liberal says inclusion, what they really mean is exclusion of whites.
January 7, 2021: Liberal Democrat Speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi accused the Trump supporters who rioted at the capital on January 6 of having “chosen their whiteness over democracy”. Imagine if the leader of the Republican party accused the Summer 2020 BLM rioters of choosing their blackness over democracy: Democrats would call that racist.
July 1, 2020: Most employees at national parks are white. According to liberal ABC news, this is an existential crisis that threatens their survival and the public's health.
May 27, 2020: In a New York Times opinion article entitled, “How White Women Use Themselves As Instruments of Terror”, Charles M Blow writes “The continued public assault on black people, particularly black men, by the white public and by the police predates the pandemic and will outlast it..." Can you imagine the NY Times publishing an article called, How Black Women Use Themselves As Instruments of Terror?" Libpocrisy!
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