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Microaggression: a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a "marginalized group" (such as a racial minority). This is the definition from Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. Based on my research, only white people can commit microaggressions. That makes sense though doesn’t it? I mean no other racial group could possibly have unconscious prejudices. Isn’t that racist? Aren’t liberals against racism? But I digress…
Based on my research, the term “microaggression” was fabricated by liberal university professors. In terms of bullying, liberalisms primary weapon is accusing a non-believer (non-liberal) of some form of bigotry. Since nobody wants to be considered a bigot, the mere accusation, even if untrue, silences the non-liberal. Adding subconscious nebulous acts to the definition of bigotry, strengthens liberalism’s political repression arsenal. It intentionally puts white conservatives, in particular, in a constant state of walking on eggshells. It also puts conservatives on constant defense. Bottom line is this; accusing someone of committing a microaggression is bullying. The term was created by and for liberals who claim to be the enemy of bullying. Lipocrisy.
Another thought on “microaggressions”; Since actual racial discrimination against non-whites in America has declined dramatically, the creation of this social construct allows liberal leaders to continue their never ending denigration of America as being a racist country despite objective reality (The "systemic racism" false narrative). In other words, they feed their need to hate our country.
Click here to see examples of "microaggressions". Many are things that all people say or do, but are only considered acts of aggression when a white persons says or does them. Lipocrisy! Racism!
One of the microaggression examples is colorblindness. When a white person says "when I look at you, I don't see color", he is committing a microaggression against a person of color. Let's analyze this: The definition of aggression follows: "1. A forceful action or procedure (such as an unprovoked attack) especially when intended to dominate or master. 2. the practice of making attacks or encroachments." Liberal leaders are equating a white person looking at a black person as a human being, and not a color, as an unprovoked attack intended to dominate or master. If a white person claims he isn't a racist, he or she is also attacking and encroaching on a non-white person. Ponder these evils for a few minutes. This is liberalism now.
Even when white people aren't being microaggressive, they're every thought and feeling is deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, etc according to liberal Democrat dogma. Liberal academics created the "Implicit Bias" social construct to brainwash you into believing this. While the dictionary defines it as " a bias or prejudice that is present but not consciously held or recognized", Liberal organizations make it clear that only white people are implicitly biased. For example: The Racial Equity Initiative, defines it this way: "Implicit biases are automatic and unconscious attitudes about group members that are derived from living in a culture or society. Racialized implicit biases are those that people hold, about Black people or other marginalized ethnic-racial group members, due to historical and contemporary racist ideologies and/or racist policies." Again, liberalisms primary weapon is accusing a non-believer (non-liberal) of some form of bigotry. In the liberal Democrat world, bigots don't have any rights, especially the right to freedom of speech. Consequently, if every white person's thoughts, motives, feelings and actions can be attributed to bigotry, every white person who opposes liberalism can be silenced. Liberal-controlled social media and search engines are doing this.
Remember the definition of bullying: It is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power.
Laura Morgan, a nurse in Dallas, Texas, was fired for refusing to take an implicit bias training course. According to Morgan, "Nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals in these states where the training is mandated, are not able to obtain their licenses without taking this training." She continues, "The idea of implicit bias is grounded in the belief that white people treat those who aren’t white worse than those who are. It’s part of the woke assumption that society, including health care, suffers from ‘systemic racism.’ Accordingly, my own supposed implicit bias, which is a euphemism for ingrained racism, must be rooted out. Not only that, it must be replaced with preferential treatment for the nonwhite. I fail to see how real racial discrimination is justified by my nonexistent racism."
Again, liberals claim to be against bullying. Is it not bullying when a liberal government agency prevents a qualified health care professional from practicing solely because they refuse to attend a demeaning "training course"? Is firing someone for refusing to attend a demeaning "training course" not bullying? At the time of this writing, the United States is experiencing a shortage of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Can we really afford to deny licenses to and/or fire qualified healthcare professionals who refuse to be indoctrinated into liberal dogma? Liberal leaders care more about forcing people to adopt their ideology than they care about people's health. It's sick! Pun intended.
Ironically, while liberal leaders are accusing their opponents of fake acts of subconscious aggression (microaggressions) and thought crimes (implicit bias), they're committing real acts of political violence.
Following are examples of the liberal Microaggressions:
June 15, 2015: In terms of bullying, liberalism's primary weapon is accusing a non-believer (non-liberal) of some form of bigotry. Since nobody wants to be considered a bigot, the mere accusation, even if untrue, silences the non-liberal. When I was growing up, I was taught that America was the land of opportunity. The liberal leaders at California State University have deemed saying "America is the land of opportunity" as a racist/sexist "microaggression". Why don't liberal leaders want young people to believe America is a land of opportunity? Because people who believe this won't believe in liberalism's "systemic racism", false narrative. If you don't believe in their lie that America is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, etc, you won't buy into their "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion" communist wealth redistribution scheme. In communist terminology, it's called ideological subversion. This is all about making younger generations hate America in order to turn us into a one party totalitarian state controlled by the Democrats.
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