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Subordination To A Totalitarian State
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Lord Acton, 19th century British politician
Another key characteristic of fascism is the subordination of the individual to a “totalitarian” state. Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. defines totalitarianism as follows:
“A form of government in which all societal resources are monopolized by the state in an effort to penetrate and control all aspects of public and private life, through the state’s use of propaganda, terror, and technology. Totalitarian ideologies reject the existing society as corrupt, immoral, and beyond reform, project an alternative society in which these wrongs are to be redressed, and provide plans and programs for realizing the alternative order. These ideologies, supported by propaganda campaigns, demand total conformity on the part of the people.
Totalitarian forms of organization enforce this demand for conformity. Totalitarian societies are hierarchies dominated by one political party and usually by a single leader. The party penetrates the entire country through regional, provincial, local and “primary” (party-cell) organization. Youth, professional, cultural, and sports groups supplement the party’s political control. A paramilitary secret police ensures compliance. Information and ideas are effectively organized through the control of television, radio, the press, and education at all levels.”
This is the Democrat party to a T. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
The Democrat party has accomplished one party rule in California and New York and is trying to impose it at the federal level too. Don’t believe me? Here’s how they plan to do it:
1. Make Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico States. This would give them four new Senators plus new seats in the house. The entire legislature would be controlled by the Democrats.
2. Use party control over congress to pack the Supreme court with liberal activist judges.
3. They want to eliminate the electoral college. Smaller Republican-leaning states would essentially have no say in electing a president.
4. Knowing full well that 16 year olds are overwhelmingly liberal, they intend to lower the voting age to 16. The fact that 16 year olds, generally, are terrible decision makers doesn’t matter to them. The fact that they’re emotional decision makers doesn’t matter. The fact that they’re short term thinkers doesn’t matter. Only unlimited power does.
5. Knowing full well that prisoners are overwhelmingly liberal, they intend to allow prisoners to vote. The fact that prisoners generally are terrible decision makers doesn’t matter to them. Only unlimited power does.
6. Incentivize illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America to dilute Republican votes. As a presidential candidate, Joe Biden said "no one" would be deported during his first 100 days in office. Within weeks of taking office in January 2021, Biden’s promise triggered a surge in illegal border crossings precipitating the highest level of illegal immigration in American history. It was intentionally done. Once in the country, Democrats indoctrinate illegal immigrants into believing that Republicans hate them and are the white supremacy party. In addition, they offer illegal immigrants free healthcare, schooling, housing, welfare etc. Combined, their allegiance to the Democratic party is assured. Democrats are essentially creating a new electorate that is dependant, hence loyal, to them. Joe Biden once said that illegal immigrants are a gift to America. What they really are is a gift to the Democrat party.
7. Critical race theory (CRT), a liberal Democrat ideology, is being taught in the liberal Democrat controlled schools. CRT teaches children that all white people are oppressors and all non-white people are oppressed (victims). It teaches that America's founding fathers, America's economic system (Capitalism), American Culture and every contemporary American institution are racist (systemic racism lie) and therefore must be dismantled. It teaches that social justice policies and practices that institutionalize anti-white discrimination and redistribute opportunities (hence wealth) to people of color must be implemented (i.e. cultural Marxism). In other words, the Democrat party is making sure that all American children are indoctrinated in our schools to be Democrat voters. CRT is weaponizing American children against white people, the Republican party and America itself.
Liberal Democrat leaders want national domination of the entire federal government. How can they reconcile this with their constant claim of wanting all voices heard? Lipocrisy!
Totalitarian states also demand total conformity of thought: Democrats started contolling our thoughts back in the 1990's with their creation of political correctness. Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners. It's intolerance disguised as tolerance that forced Americans to use words against their will. Those who refused were shamed. In the 2,000's, liberal leaders created "hate speech". Essentially, it's political correctness on steroids. Using "hate speech" will result in loss of ones job and reputation. More recently, liberal leaders manufactured The Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative to force Americans to abandon the most harmless words in the English language. This is partly how Democrats are reshaping our reality. They also control all major media (including publishing houses), social media, the press, internet search engines and education at all levels. Democrats seek to control all aspects of public and private life and use propaganda, terror and technology to do it. The comparisons between fascist totalitarianism and the Democrat party are endless.
Hannah Arendt is widely considered one of the most important political thinkers of the 20th century. On page 341 of her book, “The Origins of Totalitarianism, she wrote the following:
“ONLY THE MOB and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda…It was recognized early and has frequently been asserted that in totalitarian countries propaganda and terror present two sides of the same coin.”
Propaganda and terror are the Democrat parties middle name. The fact of the matter is this; Republicans believe in individualism which is defined as being independent and self-reliant. It is the liberal Democrats who believe in subordinating individual liberty to the state. They are the totalitarian fascists. Arendt also wrote the following:
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
One last aspect of totalitarianism that liberal democrat leaders are experts at is the development of a fictitious reality, a completely imaginary world. Today, we call this a false narrative: “diversity”, “white supremacy", “white privilege”, “microaggressions”, “whiteness”, “mansplaining”, “social justice”, “racial equity”, political correctness, cancel culture, doxing and all the others are social constructs fabricated by liberal academia and propagated through liberal-controlled media to create this imaginary world. I grew up in the 1980’s. None of these things existed back then. They’re not real. They were created to control the votes of minority populations and oppress straight white American men. Liberal Democrat leaders are engaging in psychological warfare against the American population. Click here to see an example of liberalism’s fictitious reality dictionary.
When the fictitious reality they’re creating in the present requires the elimination of the past reality, totalitarian regimes delete it. Liberal Democrats version of this is cancel culture. In December 2020, the San Francisco School Names Advisory Committee recommended removing the names of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln from San Francisco schools. They claim the father of our country, the principal author of our Declaration of Independence and the President who ended slavery were evil. If you demonize America’s founders, aren’t you essentially demonizing America? Does demonizing America create a moral imperative to destroy America?
If you're a liberal Democrat who is against totalitarianism, please leave the party. It's no longer what you signed up for.
Perception Equals Reality: Another characteristic of Fascism is that mass media is directly or indirectly controlled by the party. In addition, censorship is commonplace. Democrats now have this type of Mass Media Domination in America.
Following are examples of liberal totalitarianism
October 10, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population by force if necessary. A liberal University of Kansas professor stated in class that men who refuse to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris should be lined up and shot. The university defended what he said in a statement: "His intent was to emphasize his advocacy for women’s rights and equality, and he recognizes he did a very poor job of doing so".
October 3, 2024: You've all heard of misinformation and disinformation. Liberals today believe they have a right to censor things they define as misinformation and disinformation. In order to suppress even more free speech that challenges the Democrat party, the Biden administration has fabricated a new term, "malinformation". "Malinformation" is based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate". My entire essay is based on facts. I add my personal opinion about these facts to manipulate readers (i.e. red pill them). Would liberals label my essay as "malinformation"? Hmmm? This is all about complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Wake the fuck up!
September 29, 2024: Liberal Democrat, John Kerry, speaking about combatting disinformation at the evil world economic forum, said this: "But, look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence". The founders are turning over in their graves. John Kerry, and most liberal leaders, now view freedom of speech as an impediment to their complete political, social, and cultural control over America's population.
September 20, 2024: Christopher Rufo is one of the greatest conservative activists fighting to expose liberal totalitarianism. In this video, he discusses how liberals use reality suppression to establish social and cultural control over our population.
September 4, 2024: Totalitarian states demand total conformity of thought: Gloria J. Romero is a former California State Senator from 2001 until 2010 and was the Democratic majority leader of the California State Senate from 2005 until 2008. She took the red pill and has abandoned the Democrat party. She gives many reasons. My favorites follow: " The Democratic Party positions itself as the party of freedom, liberty, and democracy while it has become 1984 in 2024". The book 1984 depicted a totalitarian dystopia in which people, among other things, were forced to believe that 2 + 2 = 5.
August 28, 2024: Totalitarian propaganda campaigns demand total conformity on the part of the people. Even language is contolled by the state. Liberalism's "Inclusive Language" social construct assumes virtually ever word out of an American's mouth is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or biased against one of their other designated victim groups. Based on this assumption that everyday American language is harmful, it's objective is to coerce Americans into adopting their "inclusive language" And let's be clear, not adopting liberalism's new language is punishable. Vermont is one of the most liberal states in the country. The Vermont Department of Health is advising educators and families to forego the terms "son" and "daughter" when speaking to students. Other words/phrases now deemed evil by Vermont are household members, extended family
August 28, 2024: Vermont's Department of Health has been infected by liberalism's "social justice" (i.e. social revenge) ideology. They actually created a glossary of what they call "Health Equity Terms" terms to brainwash their own citizens with. Liberal Democrats essentially have control over all thought in the United States.
August 9, 2024: Korbin Albert, a 20-year-old player for the women’s soccer team at the Paris Olympics, was public about her Christian views: On her Instagram account, Albert’s bio proclaims “Jesus is [king],” using the crown emoji. She reportedly also shared a video on social media of a person, seemingly in a church and wearing a “Jesus wins” shirt, discussing with regret how he had pursued same-sex attractions and a transgender life. Because of these views, she has been labeled controversial. She was also forced to apologize. On the other hand, Megan Rapinoe, another player, refused to stand for the playing of the national anthem, citing solidarity with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick; said she would never go to the White House and feuded with Trump; and argued for the inclusion of trans players in women’s sports. She was considered the team hero.
August 9, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Transgenderism is a social constuct being forced upon us by liberals. One of its tenets is that there are innumerable genders. It's an insane lie that we're being forced to believe. In addition to men and women, there are intergender, agender, xenogender, genderfluid, demigender, bigender, trigender, polygender, pangender and many others. Delta Airline's Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Impact Officer, Kyra Lynn Johnson, has erased saying ladies and gentlemen in their gate announcements.
August 8, 2024: Kimberley Cheatle, the Director of the Secret Service, was appointed by President Joe Biden. On July 13, the Democrat-controlled secret service seemingly allowed an assassine to shoot President Trump. In fact, local police asked secret service to post someone on the roof that the assassin used to shoot President Trump. The secret service told the officer they would but didn't. How convenient? The Democrats threw everything they could at Trump over the last eight years and he kept fighting. I believe their hail Mary was to have him murdered.
July 17, 2024: "It was recognized early and has frequently been asserted that in totalitarian countries propaganda and terror present two sides of the same coin.” The wood be assassin of President Trump was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service 20 minutes before opening fire. Kimberly Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, was appointed by president Joe Biden. Hmmm?
July 3, 2024: This clip shows how the Democrat party flat out lies to its supporters. This party propaganda claims with conviction that President Joe Biden is sharp as a knife and at the top of his game. Take the red pill already.
June 20, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. On September 19, 2023, the Biden administration announced the establishment of the "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" within the Department of Homeland Security. The group claims that "most of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president" (i.e. Trump). In a meeting they discussed reclassifying a neighbors political dissent as a "public health" crisis to make parents and teachers more comfortable with reporting it to the government.
April 30, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. For example: Liberal leaders support Palestinian activists and suppress all who oppose transgender ideology (even little girls). Liberal students at elite universities are permitted to chant death to Israel, Death to America, Death to jews, Hitler was right, all zionists should be murdered and from the river to the sea Palestine will be free, all in the name of protest. They can desecrate statues of our founding fathers, burn American flags, vandalize historic buildings and terrorize Jewish students with impunity. We all witnessed this in April/May 2024. In stark contrast, Five West Virginia middle school girls who protested a transgender athlete’s participation in a track and field competition have been barred from future meets.
April 17, 2024: Totalitarian regimes control all aspects of public and private life through the state's use of propaganda and terror. Here is one example of terror: A 16-year-old North Carolina high school student says he was suspended just for saying “illegal alien” while discussing word meaning in English class — possibly ruining his chances of landing a college sports scholarship. Talk like us or we'll destroy your life. How's that for terrorizing a population.
April 16, 2024: I've never used an example from a foreign country before. I think this one makes a very important point about who liberals (i.e. the left, progressives, socialist, communists) are: Emir Kir, mayor of the Saint-Josse-ten-Nood municipality and a member of Belgium's Socialist Party attempted to stop the National Conservatism Conference from taking place in Brussels. Totalitarian regimes are one-party statists who demand total conformity of thought. This is where liberal Democrats are going. Just look at how they're trying to prevent Donald Trump from running for President again.
March 5, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political control over their population. Elon Musk ripped President Joe Biden’s administration on X for secretly flying 320,000 illegal aliens into the US. “This administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal immigrants,” Musk added in the X post. Again, Democrats import illegals and give them everything for free, thus ensuring their loyalty to the Democrat party.
March 2, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political control over their population. Joaquin Arambula, a liberal Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840. The bill will make illegal aliens eligible for a state-run first time homebuyer loan program. Again, this incentivizes illegal immigration into California, and since Democrats are giving them the cheap loans, it ensures their loyalty to the Democrat party. Their using immigration to turn the entire country into a one-party totalitarian state.
February 28, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political control over their population. Liberal Democrat Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter ruled that Donald Trump is barred from appearing on the ballot for March's Illinois Republican primary. Liberal Judges in Colorado and Maine previously barred Trump from their Republican primaries. In an unrelated story, liberal Democrats have accused Donald Trump of being "A Threat To Our Democracy". Lipocrisy!
Februry 16, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political control over their population. What better way to do this then to eradicate your political rivals. Former President Donald Trump faces four criminal indictments and 91 felony counts in four different cities as he vies to reclaim the White House. The first endictment was for mishandling classified documents and came down in June 8, 2023. Trump faces 40 felony charges in the classified documents case. The most serious charge carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. All indictments followed Trump's November 15, 2022 announcement that he would be running for a second term. Coincidence? You know the answer to that.
January 16, 2024: Information and ideas are effectively organized through the control of television, radio, the press, and education in totalitarian regimes. Donald Trump had a landslide victory with over 50 percent of the vote in the Iowa Republican caucus. It was a record setting win. Liberal-controlled media like CNN and MSNBC refused to cover his victory speach. Think about that for a moment. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow talked over it and rationalized her behavior by saying this: "The reason I'm saying this is, of course, there is a reason that we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving an unfiltered, live platform to remarks by former President Trump". Here you have a major news network claiming it has the right to filter (i.e. censor) a former president's speech. That, by the way, is the same network then claims Donald Trump is a "Threat to Our Democracy". Now that is the height of lipocrisy.
January 10, 2024: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. They impose their views on people through indocrination and terror. Liberals leaders believe that children who feel they were born in the wrong bodies should be eligible for sex change operations. Texas legislators, on the other hand, passed Senate Bill 14, banning all child sex-change procedures statewide. Texas Childrens Hospital continued performing them despite this. Eithan Haim, a whistleblower, exposed what they were doing and Federal agents tracked him down, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari threatened him with prosecution. The message is this: those who challenge trans orthodoxy will be punished by the state.
January 5, 2024: Most Americans are against liberalism's "gender-identity" ideology. This ideology states that there is no link between biological sex and gender. That, of course is a complete lie. My 2016 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a woman as "an adult female person." A man is "an adult male". Most Americans are against giving free healthcare to illegal aliens. Liberal leaders in California are now providing free sex change operations to illegal aliens. Totalitarian regimes establish complete social and cultural control over their population.
December 15, 2023: Totalitarian states demand total conformity of thought: During the Covid-19 pandemic, the biden administration suppressed any voice that challenged their narratives U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty described the administration’s efforts to control information about COVID-19 vaccines on social media as “an almost dystopian scenario.” He further said, “During the COVID-19 pandemic...the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’” For those of you who don't know, Orwellian and dystopian are references to totalitarianism.
December 15, 2023: Totalitarian states demand total conformity of thought: Democrats achieve this by controlling our language to shape reality. Liberals now believe that men can become women and vice versa just by claiming to be a member of the opposite sex. They call it "transgenderism". Once a person has identified as transgendered, citizens, as well as corporations, are forced to accept the lie (2 + 2 = 5) or be destroyed. Liberals impose their ideas on citizens using propaganda and terror. When the former fails, they use the later. Peter Vlaming taught French at West Point High School for six years. In 2018, a female student Vlaming had taught the previous year asked to be called by a masculine name and be referred to by masculine pronouns. Vlaming refused and was fired. Please look up the definition of terrorism.
December 6, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Totalitarian states demand total conformity of thought: Assembly Bill 1084 forces major retailers in California to create "gender-neutral" toy sections for children — or risk being fined. "Gender-neutrality" is part of liberal ideology. It is part of liberalism's "trans-ideology" and "non-binary" ideology. Liberals are imposing their culture on America by force.
November 15, 2023: Liberal leaders are weaponizing the federal government against Republicans. First, they weaponized the FBI against President Trump. Now this: The National Security Agency (NSA), responsible for monitoring threats both foreign and domestic for the U.S. military, assumed a new responsibility under the Biden administration — indoctrinating agency personnel into liberal ideology. If liberals are successful in brainwashing NSA personnel into their orthodoxy, the agency will view Republicans who reject it as threats to national security. Once labeled as threats, a Repubican purge will begin.
August 5, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Liberal Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler is pushing new legislation that would require Mr. Softee and other New York City ice cream trucks to stop powering their soft-serve machines and freezers with generators that use fuel. The bill would require the vendors to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power — likely at a cost of $5,000 or more. Since most ice cream truck owners are poor, most will be put out of business (So much for being the party of the poor - Lipocricy!)
August 5, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Liberal Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler is pushing new legislation that would require Mr. Softee and other New York City ice cream trucks to stop powering their soft-serve machines and freezers with generators that use fuel. The bill would require the vendors to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power — likely at a cost of $5,000 or more. Since most ice cream truck owners are poor, most will be put out of business (So much for being the party of the poor - Lipocricy!)
July 11, 2023: The Biden administration imposed "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion" hiring and promotion policies on the military within hours of taking office. These policies give military opportunities not to the most qualified individual, but to the most qualified, least white individual. Biden's administration is doubling down on their discrimination by opposing an annual defense spending bill that would require the military to base promotion decisions on who is the best candidate for the job, regardless of their race. Other GOP-proposed provisions the White House rebuffed include bans on funding for critical race theory and drag shows. The reason for this is that they want to brainwash military personnel into liberal ideology in order to control the military. Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population.
June 26, 2023: The Biden administration's Department of Homeland Security outsourced its "censorship operation" to a nonprofit (Center For Internet Security) it funded following a First Amendment lawsuit by Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general, "implicitly admitting that its censorship activities are unconstitutional," according to an interim staff report by House Judiciary Committee Republicans. It's censorship was of Republicans. This nonprofit worked with the liberal controlled social media companies to censor things that would hurt Joe Biden.
June 9, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. In California, State assembly bill AB597 would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of child abuse. The state would then be authorized to remove a child from their parents’ home if parents disapprove of LGBTQ+ ideology.
May 26, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Liberal debate judges are disqualifying kids from debate competitions if they talk like and use conservative arguments. Under debate judge Kriti Sharma's list of “Things That Will Cause You To Automatically Lose,” number three is “Referring to immigrants as ‘illegal." Debate judge, Lindsey Shrodek, says, “If you are white, don’t run arguments with impacts that primarily affect POC [people of color]." Debate judge, Lila Lavender, the 2019 national debate champion, says "I will no longer evaluate and thus never vote for rightest capitalist-imperialist positions/arguments. . . . Examples of arguments of this nature are as follows: fascism good, capitalism good, imperialist war good, neoliberalism good, defenses of US or otherwise bourgeois nationalism, Zionism or normalizing Israel, colonialism good, US white fascist policing good, etc.” Totalitarian societies are hierarchies dominated by one political party
May 25, 2023: Totalitarian societies are hierarchies dominated by one political party: The Biden administration has weaponized taxpayer-funded anti-terrorism grants to “destroy” conservatives, including Christians and “highly reputable conservative organizations” such as The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, the National Rifle Association the Republican National Committee and more. One Grant was given to The University of Dayton’s PREVENTS-OH program. A program seminar compared former President Donald Trump to the late Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, who oversaw genocide, and it suggested that another prominent Republican politician, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, might want to start “a second Holocaust.”
Friday, May 19, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Watch liberal state Senator, Machaela Cavanaugh, repeatedly chant, "Trans people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people" on the floor of the Nebraska legislature. She makes Jihadists look like pacifists. She makes Hitler look reasonable. She makes Stalin look kindly. This is today's radical liberal Democrat, a party of unhinged zealots attempting to impose fictitious reality on all of society.
April 17, 2023: "Absolute Power corrupts absolutely". Today's liberal Democrats are in the beginning stages of taking away the rights of Americans to choose the foods that we eat. Mayor Eric Adams and "Chief Climate Officer", Rohit T. Aggarwala are now claiming that eating fish, beef and chicken causes climate change and consequently must be eradicated. What the fuck is a "Chief Climate Office"? They are going to force citizens to eat plant-based food at public hospitals and schools. That's just the beginning; they're encouraging large institutions to reduce "food'based carbon emissions" as well. In other words, they're incentivizing institutions to restrict our food choices. It's voluntary for now, but liberals always ask first and then eventually force those who refuse to comply with their demands (Propaganda followed by terror). Do people who believe in freedom tell people what they're allowed to eat?
April 9, 2023: Totalitarian regimes demand total conformity on the part of the people and enforce this demand for conformity through propaganda and terror. Democrats now believe that men can become women and vice versa just by claiming to be a member of the opposite sex. Also part of liberal ideology is the idea that men can get pregnant. It's called "transgenderism". Once a person has identified as transgendered, citizens, as well as corporations, are forced to accept the lie (2 + 2 = 5) or face financial consequences. Corporations that don't promote trans ideology are now being denied capital by liberal-controlled financial institutions. Bye bye freedom.
March 1, 2023: Totalitarian regimes demand total conformity on the part of the people. Robin DiAngelo is the liberal thoughtless leader who invented the anti-social science construct, “white fragility”. “White fragility” attacks white people who refuse to accept the "antiracism" orthodoxy which asserts everything American is white racism (i.e. Republicans). During a March 1 webinar entitled, “Racial Justice: The next Frontier", she said this: “In 2023, we have to see the ability to engage in these conversations with some nuance and some skill as a basic qualification and if you can’t do that, you’re just simply not qualified in today’s workplace,” DiAngelo said as the panel of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants nodded in agreement. In other words, either you accept liberal "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion" orthodoxy or you can't have a job in America.
January 22, 2023: Totalitarian parties penetrates the entire country including youth, professional, cultural, and sports groups. This gives them complete social and cultural supremacy. Before I continue, let me remind you that I'm a gay man. Having written that, I don't believe in shoving my sexuality down straight people's throats or forcing them to show support for me. All I ask is to be treated like everybody else. But liberals disagree. The National Hockey League (NHL), with their adoption of "Pride Night", is forcing its players to wear a Pride night jersey and use sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape in order to practice. When Ivan Provorov refused to do so, liberal sports media wanted him fired. In a free country, you cannot force someone to express support for something against their will. It's un-American.
January 9, 2023: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Liberal Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill to criminalize "hate speech". The bill would impose criminal penalties for anyone who "published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on ‘replacement theory,’ or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group. The Trump slogan, "Make America Great Again", and the phrase "All Lives Matter" are defined by liberal leaders to be "white supremacy". Propaganda and terror are the Democrat parties middle name.
December 19, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Stanford University, under the complete control of liberal Democrats, recently created a list of words and phrases that are now outlawed. The words are deemed outlawed under the false pretense of them being harmful. Liberals commonly redefine words as violence or harmful in order to silence conservatives. Following are some of the words and phrases liberals prohibit you from uttering: abort, American, ballsy, black mark, blind study, cakewalk, guys, he, hispanic, ladies, mankind, master list, straight, thug, etc. Totalitarian states demand total conformity of thought: If you control the words and phrases citizens can use, you are controlling their thoughts, feelings as well as their actions.
December 15, 2022: Totalitarian societies are hierarchies dominated by one political party. Liberal Democrat leaders haven't been able to indoctrinate Americans fast enough to take over the country electorally, so they're incentivizing and facilitating illegal immigration to increase their voters. Liberal leaders know that most will be hispanics who tend to vote Democrat. To stop the flood of illegal immigrants, Arizona's governor, Doug Ducey, built a border wall using cargo containers. Biden's Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Arizona in an attempt to force Ducey to tear down the wall. Again, Liberal leaders are facilitating illegal immigration to obtain absolute power.
December 3, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Elon Musk paid $44 billion to purchase Twitter in order to restore free speech to the social media platform. After purchasing the company, Musk released documents that prove that collusion between the Biden campaign, the DNC, the FBI and Twitter caused a story about Hunter Biden's influence peddling to be censored weeks before the election. 17% of Biden voters said they would have voted differently if the Hunter biden laptop story wasn't suppressed - hence election fraud.
December 1, 2022: Propaganda and terror are the Democrat parties middle name. Conservative activist, Charlie Kirk, was invited to speak to a student group at the University of New Mexico. He was there to discuss the constitution and freedom of speech. Liberal activists tried to stop him from speaking freely and riot police had to be called. Listen to the hateful propaganda of these liberal activists.
November 28, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Elon Musk purchased Twitter to restore free speech for Republicans, conservatives & independents on the social media site. This is a direct threat to liberal control over all three. Consequently, liberals have employed their control over corporate America to "cancell" Twitter. Since Must purchased Twitter, they've lost half of their top corporate advertisers. In addition, the Biden administration is now considering investigating Musk. Funny, no investigation before he owned Twitter. Liberal media are now accusing him of being a racist. Funny, no accussations before he owned Twitter. Are you seeing the pattern? Destroy anyone who threatens your power. This is the totalitarian way.
November 23, 2022: Unhappy Thanksgiving from MSNBC's Joyless Reid. The hate-filled liberal spent the night before Thanksgiving attacking the holiday and America itself. Remember, totalitarian ideologies reject the existing society as corrupt, immoral, and beyond reform. These ideologies, supported by propaganda campaigns, demand total conformity on the part of the people. In this video, she progagandizes about how corrupt and immoral America is.
November 18, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political control of society. Since Trump announced his candidacy for president until today, the entire Democrat party has relentlessly gone after him, impeaching him twice and even using the FBI to raid his home. Well, here we go again...A mere three days after Trump announced he was running for President in 2024, liberal Attorney General, Merrick Garland, appointed an international war-crimes prosecutor as special council to politically persecute him yet again. Liberal leaders have weaponized the FBI and Justice Department to attack their opposition. This is bullying, political discrimination and election fraud all rolled into one totalitarian action.
October 18, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. "Gender Affirming Care" refers to treatments, ranging from sex change surgery to speech therapy, that support a transgender or nonbinary person in their "gender" transition. It's a part of liberalism's "gender-identity" ideology. A liberal in the Virginia House of Delegates, Elizabeth Guzman, has announced plans to reintroduce legislation that would criminalize parents who don’t affirm their children’s preferred gender identity. If a parent doesn't want their 8 year old son to cut off his penis, they will now be guilty of child abuse, a criminal act. If a parent doesn't refer to their 6 year old daughter as he and him, they will now be guilty of child abuse.
October 3, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. "Implicit Bias" is part of liberal ideology. It claims all white people are inherently racist. Laura morgan, a nurse in Dallas, Texas, was fired for refusing to take an "implicit bias" training course. According to Morgan, "Nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals in these states where the training is mandated, are not able to obtain their licenses without taking this training." You can now be fired, or denied a license to work in your chosen profession, for refusing to be brainwashed by liberal ideology. but liberals claim Republicans are the fascists. They accuse you of what they're guilty of. It's gas lighting.
September 30, 2022: Totalitarian regimes control populations by propaganda and terror. In California, liberal governor, Gavin Newsom, just passed a law that would punish doctors for not agreeing with liberal Democrat Covid information. The bill, AB2098, declares that a physician or surgeon commits professional misconduct if they disseminate “misinformation or disinformation” about the nature and risks of COVID-19, its prevention and treatment and the development, safety and effectiveness of vaccines. A doctor could lose their license for breaking the law. This is what totalitarian regimes do: they claim that anyone who disagrees with them is committing a crime and will be punished. Essentially, only Democrat Covid information is allowed to be diseminated by doctors in California even though Fauci and the NIH repeatedly got it wrong.
September 25, 2022: For almost five months during the Summer of 2020, liberal activists burned down American cities resulting in well over one billion dollars in damage. Thousands of businesses were destroyed. Thousands of police officers were injured. None of the criminals, all of whom were rioting in the name of liberalism's "social justice" social construct, were prosecuted. About a year ago, a pro-life Catholic apostolate named Mark Houck pushed a Planned Parenthood employee in front of one of their offices. The employee was screaming at his 12 year old son. The pro-life activist was protecting his child. On September 23, about 25 FBI agents with guns arrested Houck at his home in front of his kids. This is political persecution.
September 21, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. They threaten, intimidate and persecute the opposition. The current attorney general of New York state, Letitia James, campaigned on her promise to go after President Trump. She didn't become AG, learn of a crime and investigate him. She campaigned on a promise to find a crime and then persecute, I mean prosecute him. She is now using the power of the state of New York to do just that.
September 14, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. They threaten, intimidate and persecute the opposition. Joe Biden's FBI seized the cell phone of prominent Trump supporter, Mike Lindell. And as liberal democrats were using the FBI to persecute Mike Lindel for supporting Trump, they were simultaneously accusing him of being the "threat to our democracy". You can’t make this shit up.
September 12, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. They threaten, intimidate and persecute the opposition. Joe Biden's Justice Department issued roughly 40 subpoenas over the past week and seized the phones of two top Trump advisors due to the criminal probe of Trump's alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021 riot. The Jan 6 riot was more than 18 months ago. How untimely. Oh wait, the midterm elections are less than two months away. How convenient. Lastly, as liberal democrats were using the justice department to persecute their political opposition, they were simultaneously accusing them of being the "threat to our democracy". You can’t make this shit up.
August 8, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. They threaten, intimidate and persecute the opposition. The second Donald Trump announced he was running for president, liberal Democrats relentlessly attacked him. They accused him of being a fascist. They accused him of being a racist. They accused him of colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. They impeached him twice. They held a kangaroo court "hearing" about the January 6 Capital riot. On August 8, Biden's Justice Department sent the FBI to raid Trump's home. This was pure political persecution. The purpose was to intimidate him into not running in 2024.
July 12, 2022: Totalitarian regimes reject the existing society. They project an alternative society and demand total conformity on the part of the people. Liberals now firmly believe that men can become pregnant. They also believe that if you don't believe a man can become pregnant, you're, at minimun, fomenting violence against "trans" people and quite possibly committing murder. If they get away with forcing Americans' to believe these lies, they will have the moral authority to purge society of dissenters. That's where liberal "gender-identity" ideology is taking America.
June 20, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social and cultural control over their population. Supported by propaganda campaigns, totalitarian regimes inject their ideology into every institution, including the military. A U.S. Navy video was esposed that shows how liberals are indocrinating members of the Navy into their "gender Identity" ideology. It's right out of Owell's 1984. Notice how condescending the people are in it. Liberal leaders are elitists who believe they need to enlighten us dirty masses. They think we're their children.
June 15, 2022: Totalitarian regimes use propaganda and demand total conformity on the part of the people. In the midst of the highest gas prices in U.S. history, liberal Democrat governor, J.B. Pritzker, is forcing Illinois gas station owners to put Democrat political stickers on their pumps. The stickers would advertis a delayed gas tax hike starting July 1 by Democrat lawmakers. Gas stations could be fined $500 per day for each pump that doesn’t have a sticker. This is forced political speach.
June 9, 2022: Totalitarian regimes terrorize political opposition and seek one-party rule. The FBI arrested Ryan Kelley, a Republican candidate for governor in Michigan, on misdemeanor charges connected to his participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot. He is the Republican front runner against the liberal Democrat incumbent. His arrest comes the same day as the first primetime hearing held by the House select committee investigating the riot and approximately two months before he is expected to appear on the primary ballot. Coincidence? Why didn’t the FBI arrest him over a year ago?
March 10, 2022: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Totalitarian states also demand total conformity of thought. YouTube removed a video of Donald Trump’s appearance on the popular Nelk Boys podcast after the former president, while answering a question about the prospect of nuclear war with Russia due to its Ukraine invasion, said the following about the 2020 election: “Well you should be scared,” Trump said, “because we have incompetent people heading up our country who, frankly, got there through a fraudulent election.” This was enough for YouTube to remove it. YouTube, along with its parent company Google, are large enough to establish social, political & cultural control over America. Both are propaganda arms for the liberal Democrat party. When liberals Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams claimed their elections were stolen from them, no cencorship ensued. Hmmmm.
November 4, 2021: Liberal Democrat climate extremists terrorize Democrat Senator Joe Manchin for not supporting their climate policies. As they were physically preventing him from driving away, they were accusing him of running them over. Let's be clear, if someone intentionally blocks your car, you have a right to run them over.
October 10, 2021: Liberal activists harassed Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema again about why she doesn't support President Biden's "build back better" plan. Watch how many times the activist says, build back better and remember that propaganda is a primary tool of totalitarians. And let's be clear, calling something build back better doesn't equal building back better. Communism destroys and most everything in the plan is communist wealth redistribution.
October 5, 2021: Totalitarian regimes establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their population. Liberal Democrat leaders are attempting to teach critical race theory (CRT) in K-12 schools to accomplish this. CRT is a marxist theory. Its cornerstone is that white, heterosexual men are oppressors and every other American is oppressed. It also teaches that America itself is evil. The purpose of teaching it is to produce future Democrat voters. Parents are starting to attend school board meetings to demand that it not be taught to their children. Democrat leaders are now branding the parents as domestic terrorists to intimidate the parents into backing down.
October 4, 2021: What better way to control all aspects of a citizens public and private life then to monitor virtually every dollar he or she spends? President Biden wants banks to help the federal government do just that. His Treasury Secretary is promoting the plan, and the House Ways and Means Committee is debating whether to include it in the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill. Does the government have a right to question when you purchase a new sofa? The Democrats think so. Remember, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
October 3, 2021: Totalitarians demand total conformity of thought. Any dissent is crushed: Liberal activists stalked, harassed and intimidated Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema because she was refusing to vote for President Biden's $3.5 Trillion socialist spending bill. They followed her into a bathroom and waited outside a bathroom stall for her.
September 7,2021: Totalitarians demand total conformity of thought. Any dissent is crushed: John Gibson, CEO of video game company, Tripwire, tweeted support for a Texas law that limits abortion. The tweet drew sharp criticisms with many consumers stating they would no longer buy Tripwire games and sharing how to block the developer from showing up in Steam recommendations. He was fired from the company in less than 53 hours. “His comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners and much of our broader community,” Tripwire wrote on their website. “Our leadership team at Tripwire are deeply sorry and are unified in our commitment to take swift action and to foster a more positive environment.”
August 13, 2020: Totalitarians demand total conformity of thought. Sandia National Laboratories, a federal contractor responsible for building the U.S.'s nuclear weapons, sent its executives to mandatory "diversity training". The trainers claim that "white male culture" leads to "lowered quality of life at work and home, reduced life expectancy, unproductive relationships, and high stress." The seminar also asked white males to recite a series of "white privilege statements" and "male privilege statements." It concluded with its white male participants writing letters of apology to "marginalized" people. This is essentially a liberal-controlled government agency imposing its ideology on employees.
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