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The Solution - Common Sense
In sociology and psychology, academic fields dominated by liberal elites in American universities, mass hysteria is the phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, real or imaginary, through a society as a result of rumors and fear. The psychological effects of mass hysteria are anxiety and depression. Physiological effects such as abdominal pain, chest tightness, headaches, hyperventilation, heart palpitations and much worse can also occur. When you perpetually tell racial and ethnic minorities that their country is “systemically racist” against them, you are fomenting mass hysteria. When you perpetually tell women that their country is sexist against them, you are fomenting mass hysteria. When you systematically break down a nation into every minority group within another minority group and perpetually tell them that their country is “systematically” against them, you are fomenting mass hysteria. This is what critical race theory and identity politics does. The Democrat party has institutionalized both in almost every school and university in our country with the intent of causing mass hysteria. In addition to indoctrinating American children into this toxic ideology, the party has also implanted it into most major American corporations through their control of human resource departments. Recently, it has even infected our professional sports leagues. The Democrat party is conducting psychological warfare on the American people, especially our children, with the goal of causing social conflict resulting in a communist revolution that destroys the United States of America and replaces it with a one-party Marxist totalitarian state. In my opinion, this is the greatest domestic threat our nation has ever faced.
How did the Democrat party do this? From the 1960’s to the early 2000s, they did it very gradually to avoid detection (Boiling frog metaphor). They did it this way because most Americans were against communism. We were, in fact, at war with communism for over 70 years. I think American’s let their guards down after we caused the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. We believed we had defeated communism. Little did we know that communism was burgeoning domestically. Our colleges and universities were brainwashing American students into the ideology while mainstream and then social media propagated it to the rest of us. Now that there are multiple generations, starting with the millennials, brainwashed into believing their fictitious world is reality, they’ve sped up the process and are no longer in hiding.
I’m a big Star Wars fan. Episodes 1 through 3 showed how the emperor, an evil sith lord obsessed with authoritarian rule, stealthily ascended to power within the democratic Galactic Republic. He hid his true identity from the Jedi Council, the defenders of the Republic, while he politically manipulated himself into the position of Supreme Chancellor. Once he became the Supreme Chancellor and had total control over the republic’s institutions, he revealed his true identity and replaced the Galactic Republic (a democracy) with the First Galactic Empire (a totalitarian autocracy). He kept his power by keeping citizens in a constant state of fear. The Democrat party has done the exact same thing. They hid their communist nature until they no longer had to. And, they use critical race theory and identity politics to keep citizens in a constant state of fear. They then use the mass hysteria they create to control people. Am I crazy? What if I’m not? When will the Democrat’s “emperor” reveal himself…or herself?
The solution to the fictitious liberal reality created by critical race theory and identity politics, what I call the Liberal Democrat Matrix, is to embrace common sense and traditional American values. I personally believe they’re one and the same. Don’t let them create mass hysteria anymore and reject their fabricated anti-social science creations as the lies they are. “Systemic Racism”, for example, doesn’t exist. The definition of justice isn’t racial discrimination against white people. Equality doesn’t mean equality of outcomes. These are all liberal communist lies. Reject their pseudo psychology such as self-esteem and victim hood culture. Our founding principles can guide us: We must go back to pursuing the aspirational standards of equality set forth by the founders. While we obviously didn’t live up to these standards from our inception, they’ve always guided our country to move towards them. I find it ironic that the Democrats have reinstituted racial discrimination, this time against whites, just decades after we evolved beyond institutional racial discrimination against blacks. They've also reinstituted sex discrimination in America. This time it's against men. Liberal's claim to be for progress and yet they are determined to take us backwards to a time when institutional racism and sexism was the norm...hence this website.
But there is hope. There are glitches in the matrix; a simulated reality of endless contradictions and lies is bound to be discovered by those living in it. I believe that older Americans like me, ones who grew up before the matrix had infected all of our major institutions, are realizing what's happened. Younger Americans, on the other hand, were born into the matrix and believe the simulated reality is, in fact, reality. It’s time to red pill the entire country and restore freedom to America.
1. Eviscerate critical race theory, a marxist theory that racializes everything, from all schools and universities. The cornerstone of the theory is that white, heterosexual men are oppressors and every other American is oppressed. Liberal leaders are using it to weaponize our children to destroy America. When you racialize everything, you create an environment that’s conducive to accusations of racism. Constant accusations of racism are tearing our country apart. As of 2021, most white people live in fear of being called a bigot even though they aren’t. In addition, most non-white people believe that every word out of a white person’s mouth is somehow an insult to them. Is this healthy? Is it making us a stronger country? Fact: We are not defined by our race, ethnicity or gender as the liberal liars would like us to believe. We are defined by our actions. All Americans should be treated the same. It really isn’t that complicated.
2. Defend Private Property: “Experience has taught me that belatedly that a farm begins with its fence. It keeps your own cattle out of your neighbor’s fields and his out of yours. A fence is a definition and what it helps to define is that ownership of property which is the final guarantee of freedom. It cannot be breached without breaching freedom, and if it is ended, freedom is ended. Property is the ultimate guarantor of freedom.” Whittaker Chambers, a former American communist who saw the American light. Private property is a hallmark of American culture. Many Democrats are now starting to promote the abolition of private property.
3. Freedom over security. In actuality, you can have both, but when liberal leaders tell you its either one or the other, choose freedom. Revolutionary War Patriot, Patrick Henry, wrote the following:
“Is life so dear; or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
One of the most sinister aspects of today’s liberal Democrat party is their ability to use fear to the masses through their dominance of our educational and media institutions, into believing it’s in their best interest to willingly give up personal freedom. Essentially, they’ve turned us into sheep. In the America that I grew up in, Americans would have looked at today’s Democrat leaders with suspicion, mistrust, contempt and terror. They would have resisted all the oppressive social controls as the authoritarian totalitarianism they are.
Liberal Democrats have brainwashed tens of millions of Americans into believing that perpetual government dependency is equal to freedom. That dependency, in general, is somehow freedom. Depending on others, whether your parents or government, for survival is the antithesis of freedom. First of all, nothing is free. In the case of government handout dependency, you are constrained as to how you can spend the money. Is being told what you can and can’t purchase really freedom? When you are living in government housing, the size, location and quality of the property is severely limited. Is this freedom? Food stamps limits the types of groceries you can buy as well. Anyone who relies on government healthcare will tell you how limiting that is. The bottom line is this. Being dependent on someone or something else for anything limits freedom. Their money. Their rules. Self-reliance equals freedom, and freedom is the American way.
4. Proudly Be American: Before we became white-Americans, black-Americans, etc, we were American-Americans. E Pluribus Unum which means, “Out of many, one”. This was our nation’s unofficial motto since its inception. We used to believe that we were one nation and one people with one culture. So what is that culture? The United States of America was founded by English Christians. English Common Law, the King James Bible & the Enlightenment were their foundation. It was this foundation that guided the creation of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. American culture, to a large degree, grew out of these two documents, and it was this culture that made us the richest and most powerful country in the world. If you doubt this, explain how the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other nations started by English colonists, are amongst the wealthiest nations on earth? It’s not a coincidence. Instead of celebrating what made us successful, our Anglo origins, liberal Democrat leaders have demonized them because of slavery. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. By the way, I’m not defending America’s Anglo heritage because it’s my background. It isn’t. I’m standing up for it because it’s proven successful and is, in fact, our heritage.
Liberal Democrat leaders falsely claim that American culture is “white culture”. Based on this lie, liberals further claim assimilating into American culture is a form of white racial oppression (racism). Based on this false claim of racism, today’s immigrants, and their children, are now being discouraged from assimilating into American culture by liberal leaders. The end result of this deception is that new Americans are rejecting the very culture that made America successful and worth immigrating to. In addition to rejecting what has proven successful, lacking a shared culture and identity will weaken, divide and possibly fracture the country.
When my Russian/Polish Jewish ancestors immigrated to America around 100 years ago, the differences between them and the Americans of that time were far greater than the differences between present day non-white immigrants and present-day Americans. And yet they embraced being Americanized. Because of their willingness to shed their foreign identity and become American, I got to experience the promise and opportunities created by American culture. I grew up eating hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, boxed macaroni & cheese, grilled cheese, salad (iceberg lettuce) and my mom’s meatloaf. I listened to everything from Donna Summer and Michael Jackson to Super Tramp, Metallica and Journey. American culture is NOT white culture as liberal leaders falsely claim. American culture is American culture, which is rooted in English common law, the King James bible and the English Enlightenment. We need to again believe that “out of many, one”. We need to again see ourselves as American-Americans.
5. Capitalism: Capitalism is the the most successful economic system in the world. It has been the American economic system since our inception. It, not socialism, made the United States the richest most powerful nation on earth. Why would anybody want to replace a system with a proven track record of success with one with a proven track record of failure? It's insane.
6. Equal Treatment Under the law. This is a founding principle of our country. We didn’t live up to it for a very long time, but we always moved toward it. Did we move too slow? Yes, we did. This doesn’t, however, justify treating white people unfairly today. Stating that racial discrimination against people of color is illegal and immoral, but racial discrimination against white people is both legal and moral is wrong. It is the height of libpocricy and un-American. Call me old fashioned, but I grew up believing in the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as you want to be treated. Based on today’s liberal Democrat orthodoxy, the Golden Rule is racist, sexist and homophobic. Think hard on what today’s liberal leaders are creating. It’s evil.
7. Equality of Opportunity (Meritocracy): Everyone knows that America’s creed of equality of opportunity was not always lived up to. However, if you compare how America treated racial and ethnic minorities to how other nations or regions treated them at any given moment in history, America was fairer. The same can be said of women and LQBT people. Furthermore, America has always progressed towards living up to the Equality of Opportunity (Meritocracy) creed. Institutionalized racism against racial minorities is a thing of the past, and equality of opportunity is now available to everyone. Instead of celebrating this achievement, liberals are trying to replace it with something they call equity. Under equality of opportunity, upward socioeconomic mobility is based on one's efforts, accomplishments, talents and merit. This meritocracy is the American way. Equity is a communist-based approach where the best person for the job is denied the opportunity if they're white, heterosexual men. The “winner”, if you want to call them that, is instead the best non-white LQBTQ female person for the job. It’s distributing opportunities to people because of what they are and not what they do. Like everything else liberal Democrats do, it’s discrimination. Bottom line is this: as long as everyone is treated equally, there is nothing unfair or unjust about unequal outcomes. The promise of America wasn’t that everyone had the same amount of everything, or that the average person of one group had the same as the average person of another. This is the false promise of communism, a failed evil ideology that has resulted in billions of people living under murderous oppression and in a chronic state of poverty.
8. From Presumption of Innocence to Presumption of Racism – The New Democrat Order: A primary principle of the American criminal justice system is that a defendant accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This protection comes from the due process guarantees in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Liberal leaders have reversed this policy in recent years making all men accused of sexual misconduct and all white cops accused of racism guilty by accusation. We need to stop jumping to conclusions without even seeing, let alone weighing the evidence. Innocent until proven guilty, not mob justice, is the American way.
9. Defend the First Amendment As If Your Life Depends on it Because it Does: Suppressing a word, a phrase, an idea or an opinion is tyranny, especially when the words, phrases, ideas and opinions being suppressed are those belonging to one group. Have you noticed that only conservative beliefs, values ideas and opinions are censored? But don’t liberals want “all voices heard?" Hmmmm? Also, aren't liberals the ones who are always talking about "defending our democracy?" Well, you can't have democracy without freedom of speech. This is liberal hypocrisy, ladies and gentlemen.
10. End the tyranny of hurt feelings. Freedom of speech, a cornerstone of the First Amendment, is a traditional American value and must always trump hurt feelings. Just because someone is offended by something you said, doesn’t mean what you said is offensive. If an individual is uncomfortable or offended by something somebody else says, that’s on them. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. This is a fact. Only ones own thoughts about those names or words can hurt them. We really need to think more and feel less as a people. Liberal Democrat leaders want people to feel more and think less so that they can emotionally manipulate them. They’ve intentionally turned tens of millions of young Americans into emotionally frail basket cases in order to control them. And it’s working. People are actually losing their jobs when the words they say are deemed hurtful by liberal-controlled Human Resource Departments. The message is clear. If I allow my feelings to be hurt by your opinion, you will lose your job. It's emotional terrorism.
11. Individualism Over Collectivism. Most individual problems can be solved by individual actions. This is a fact that liberalism hides in order to empower the state and disempower the individual. As a nation, we must once again become advocates and champions of laissez-faire capitalism. It’s what made us the richest and most powerful nation on earth. It’s our proud heritage. Only liberals would argue with success.
12. The Chief Business of The American People is Business. President Calvin Coolidge said the following in a 1925 speech: “After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.” This is how Americans once viewed themselves. I know I did. It’s what made us the richest and most powerful nation on earth. It’s our proud heritage. Again, only liberals would argue with success.
13. Responsibility over Rights: Americans used to be responsibility-centered people. We’ve moved away from this towards a rights-centered people. This sounds good on paper, but when everything becomes “a right”, it wreaks havoc on a society. This has created generations of entitlement-centered people, people who believe they’re entitled to things paid for by other people’s money. Example: "Living wage". Nobody has a right to a “living wage”. First, who decides what that is? The Democrat party, that’s who. Once they decide what it is, they them impose it on employers who are forced against their will to pay individuals more than they know the job is actually worth. Up until a few years ago, I never heard the phrase, “Healthcare is a right”. This is another liberal lie, and liberals think if they repeat it over and over again people will believe it’s true (i.e. brainwashing). Let me be clear. Healthcare isn’t a right. It’s an individual’s personal responsibility to provide healthcare to themselves based on their means. Forcing your neighbor to pay for your surgery isn’t a right. If every American took full responsibility over themselves and their families, we would be a much stronger nation.
14. Self-reliance and personal responsibility. America was built by self-reliant people who accepted personal responsibility for their individual outcomes. This is what conservatives still believe today, and this is what made America the richest and most powerful country in the history of the world. Think about how much better our country would be if every individual was again self-reliant. Think about how much better our country would be if no one blamed other people, their race or their country for their own personal failures. Liberal leaders, on the other hand, believe that an individual’s outcomes are mostly determined by external forces beyond their own control (How disempowering is that) Those external forces are the fictitious social constructs they themselves devised such as “systemic racism”, “white privilege”, “white supremacy”, etc. They then claim to be the party that will defend minorities against these external forces and improve their individual outcomes. In other words, liberals intentionally disempower the individual to empower their political party. How sick is that?
15. Keep Government Small: Abraham Lincoln famously said the following in his Gettysburg Address: “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” The liberal Democrats have slowly turned us into a government of the government, by the government, for the government…Please look closely at everything they do and ask yourself this question, “does it make government larger and more powerful”. More often than not, the answer will be yes. They’re gradually turning our entire society into the government. Thomas Paine, one of our founding fathers, wrote the following in his essay, “Common Sense”. “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them;” He then explains the difference between the two. After that he writes the following: “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in it's worst state an intolerable one; For most all of American history, government has been viewed as a necessary evil. With that philosophy, America kept government growth at bay and the country flourished. Liberal Democrats believe the State should be all powerful and have turned ours into an intolerable evil. For example: federal spending composed 1.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1929. It composed 30% of GDP in fiscal year 2021. All government growth must be stopped. We have too much already. And anyone who believes that freedom increases with an increase of government is a fucking moron!
16. Believe that America is the “land of opportunity” because it is. Hard work, smart work, taking risks, getting an education and making more good than bad choices will lead anyone to success in America. This is the fact that liberal Democrats want to hide from minorities. They want them to believe that their outcomes are determined by what they are and not by what they do. Then they brainwash them into believing that they’re prevented from being successful because of what they are. Then they indoctrinate them into believing the Democrat party is their liberator. It’s the greatest lie for political power the world has ever seen. Look at the Jews who came to America in the early 1900s. My Russian and Polish ancestors were among them. Despite antisemitism from many Americans, and even some legal barriers, they flourished in America. Look at the Indian immigrants of today: the average household income of Americans of Indian descent is $120,000. Many of these people are immigrants or first-generation Americans. The median household income of white Americans is $67,937. Where’s the “white privilege?" Where's the "systemic racism?" Opportunity is available to everyone in America who is willing to do what it takes to become successful. Believe that America is the land of opportunity because it is.
17. Reject Government Assistance: “It’s a trap!” When a safety net becomes a spider's web, when a system created to give a hand up instead holds you down, it’s time to end it. Today’s government assistance prevents people from experiencing the pain that comes from making bad decisions. That pain is what causes an individual to do things differently. Without it, many will make the same bad decisions over and over which leads to failed people. Imagine placing a numb hand on a hot stove. I personally believe liberal leades are intentionally making people addicted to government handouts in order to control them. Many supporters of these leaders actually believe government dependency is a lifestyle choice.
I have a question to those of you on welfare and ensnared by the system. Did the system free you? Did it make you better off? Did it inspire you to reach for the stars, or did it make you complacent in poverty and mediocrity? It’s the latter, isn’t it? Perpetual government assistance is the root cause of failed individuals. It enables and perpetuates government dependency which weakens the individual’s spirit and robs the individual of self-respect while strengthening the liberal Democrat party. Hmmm?
President Ronald Reagan put it best when he said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
18. Low Taxes: The United States had no federal income tax for the first 85 years of our history (1776 to 1861). In 1861, Congress levied a flat 3% tax on incomes over $800/year specifically to finance the civil war. On February 3, 1916, Congress passed the 16th Amendment to the constitution which established Congress’s right to impose a federal income tax. America flourished for its first 140 years of existence without a Federal income tax. Historically, we are against taxes in this country and it’s time to return to our roots. In stark contrast to our heritage, the democrats believe the money that people earn belongs to the Federal government. Republicans, on the other hand, believe the money that individuals and businesses earn belongs to the earners themselves. Republicans believe that individuals know how to spend their earnings better than government beaurocrats.
19. Keep It Local (Decentralization): In their wisdom, our founders created a system rooted in federalism in which state and federal governments share power. Liberal leaders, to the contrary, are intent on centralizing power with the Federal government (I thought liberals were pro sharing). They believe in solving problems with top down federal mandates. Republicans, on the other hand, still believe in federalism. Fact: different states have different wants and needs. Federalism provides local autonomy that takes these cultural differences into consideration. When the federal government controls everything, it imposes a one size fits all solution. One size fits all is tyranny (I thought liberals were pro freedom). I have a small business in Palm Springs, California. It's impossible for a federal bureaucrat in DC to understand my specific business in my specific market better than me or a local or state agency. Furthermore, federalism allows states to be laboratories of democracy that produce diverse solutions (I thought liberals were pro democracy and diversity?). Having diverse solutions attempted will lead to determining the best solution. Bottom line is this: decentralization results in better solutions and freedom which is the American way.
Growing up in the 1980’s, I’d often watch the 1950’s Adventures of Superman TV series. The narration in the show’s opening sequence proudly claimed that Superman “fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!” The traditional American values outlined above are truth, justice and the American way. The liberal Democrat party, on the other hand, are now fighting a battle for lies, social justice and the communist way. We have to stop them. If America succumbs to collectivism, socialism and communism, freedom and opportunity are dead on this planet. I wish Superman were here today. If he were, he would firmly fight against what the liberals are doing. Funny thought: the liberals would probably attack Superman by accusing him of “mansplaining”, “racism”, “white privilege”, “white supremacy” and every other manufactured social construct they’ve fabricated. Kryptonite ain’t got nothing over these sinister political weapons. In any event, I’m going to do my best to fight for truth, justice and the American way. In order to fight any battle, you need to understand your enemy. I’ve created the following liberal glossary to do just that.
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