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Liberal Glossary
According to Hannah Arendt, a leading 20th century political thinker and expert on fascism and Marxism, totalitarian regimes seek to destroy all social, legal and political traditions of the countries they devour (sound familiar?). With fascism in particular, an entirely fake reality is created to facilitate this destruction. Click here to see one example of liberalism’s creation of an entirely fake reality. Liberal leaders created an entirely new language with the sole purpose of demonizing and demoralizing people who, due to no fault of their own, are white.
We should all be terrified by it. It's not only anti-white, it's also intentionally incomprehensible. Take, for example, the word "whiteness". I've read the definition 20 times and am still somewhat confused by what it means. And yet, liberals are constantly accusing white people of "whiteness". How can you defend yourself when you're being accused of something that's nebulous? You can't. Confusion makes a person weak. In the case of "whiteness", It makes white people defenseless which is exactly what liberals want. We should also use it as a call to action to fight for America. When a political party creates new words and redefines old ones to support their false political narrative, they’re manipulating us. When a political party distorts language in order to confuse citizens for political power, we as people must question their legitimacy.
I’ve taken a number of the words, phrases and ideological concepts fabricated by today’s liberal leaders and given what I believe to be their true meaning. I’ve also included words, such as democracy and charity, and provided what I believe to be how liberals have redefined these words. Let's start with how they've redefined American to suit their own political interest.
American: American equals “white”. “White” equals racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, “whiteness”, “white privilege”, "white supremacy", etc, etc. Therefore, America equals evil. Evil must be destroyed.
Anti-Racism: 1. De facto racism and Demonization of the white race. 2. The institutionalization of racial discrimination against the white race until there is racial "equity". Racial equity is achieved when the average black or brown person has exactly the same as the average white person. 3. Government confiscation of income, property and wealth from white people for "reinvesting" (i.e. redistribution) to racial and ethnic minorities. Race-based Marxism/communism. 4. Gaslighting term created by liberal Democrats to conflate racism against white Americans with opposing racism against people of color. This tricks Americans into believing they must actively discriminate against whites to be virtuous. 5. Some Anti-Racism propaganda at Google actually equates being racially colorblind with "white supremacy".
Charity: The word charity has been made illegal by liberal democrat thought police. All citizens must now use the term “giving back” or be sent to reeducation camps. See giving back for the new liberal definition of charity.
Criminal Justice Reform: making assault, theft, trespassing, rioting, looting and other crimes legal for groups/classes deemed victims by liberal Democrat leadership. All white individuals who oppose being victimized by any of the aforementioned crimes by an individual of a Democrat "victim group" will immediately be accused of racism and white privilege. All "victim group" individuals who oppose being victimized by other "victim group" individuals will be branded as conspirators to white oppression.
Democracy: One party rule and total control of all government bureaucracy by the Democrat party (i.e. California and New York). In addition, the state, now ruled solely by Democrats, will have supreme control over all corporate, media and social media entities, and the opinions communicated by these entities will reflect only those of liberal Democrat leadership. 2. Totalitarianism.
Diversity: 1. Scapegoating, demonizing and vilifying white heterosexual American men for all of America’s problems in order to justify institutional discrimination against them in perpetuity. 2. Policies and practices that have discrimination against white heterosexual American men as their key component.
Emotional Blackmail: 1. Style of manipulation where liberals stir up fear, guilt and shame and then use your feelings to control your behavior or persuade you to see things their way. 2. liberalism.
Equality: Giving women and people of color preferential treatment in every facet of American life. Equality of outcomes which is the communist way and unachievable without implementing institutional discrimination in perpetuity.
Equity: 1. Excuse fabricated by Marxist antisocial science professors in liberal-controlled universities to rationalize discrimination against whites, men, hererosexuals and the native born. 2. Increasing taxes on the wealthy and “investing”(redistributing) the stolen money into non-white communities. Furthermore, white-owned companies will no longer be given government contracts and all items procured by government entities are to be procured from non-white owned entities. Black owned businesses will pay less than white owned businesses for the same services. Equity replaces America’s long successful tradition of equality of opportunity and replaces it with Marxism’s failed equality of outcome model. Equity is an attack on America’s white population, fairness and justice. 2. In practice, equity refers to policies and practices liberals enact that give opportunities not to the most qualified person, but to the most qualified least white person.
Fairness: 1. Racial discrimination against straight, white American men. 2. Giving unearned and undeserved advantages, rights, entitlements and immunities (i.e. privilege) to people of color, women, immigrants and LGBTWXYG people.
Freedom: 1. Free stuff. 2. Expanding some individuals options at the expense of other's through communist wealth and income redistribution. Example: "Healthcare is a right". Nobody has a right to force other people to buy products and services for them. That's tyranny, the opposite of freedom.
Giving Back: instead of helping those in need because one chooses to do so (i.e. charity), giving back implies that people, especially successful people, are obligated to help those in need because they've taken something from them (a lie). The origin of “giving back” is communist.
Greed: 1. Wealthy and/or financially successful people wanting to keep the money they earn. How dare they! 2. Capitalism
Hate Speech: Republican opinions.
Implicit Bias: The liberal Democrat belief that at a subconscious level, every thought of every white American is tainted by racism. By accusing all white Americans of being subconsciously racist, liberals put all whites, but especially white Republicans on constant defense. The best defense is a good offense. Acknowledging implicit bias as true allows liberal leaders to accuse any white person who disagrees with liberal orthodoxy of being racist. Once labeled as a racist, liberals can then force reeducation, cancel from social media, have employment terminated, etc.
Inclusion: Discriminate against white heterosexual men in perpetuity.
Justice (Economic) 1. Economic revenge. 2. Communist form of wealth redistribution where opportunities (hence wealth) is stolen from high income earners and/or white Americans and given to low income earners and/or non-white Americans. Theft is generally accomplished by a progressive income tax structure, wealth taxes that punish success and death taxes that prevent people from taking care of their families after they've passed. In addition, educational, employment and career advancement opportunities are denied to white people. Under “certified minority-owned business” programs, for example, corporations and all levels of government racially discriminate against white-owned businesses. Investopedia defines it as follows: "Economic justice is about money and making sure everyone has an equal share". Well, the only way you can make sure everyone has an equal share is through communism. Economic Justice is communism. America is capitalistic. Liberals have literally adopted the ideology of our enemies and are infecting our institutions with it. Think about that.
Justice (Racial): 1. Racial revenge. 2. Institutional discrimination against white people. Punishing white people born yesterday for what completely unrelated white people did 50 or more years ago. 3. Demonization, demoralization and humiliation of the white race through liberal manufactured social constructs such as “white privilege”, “whiteness”, white fragility” and others.
Justice (Social): 1. Social Revenge. 2. Non-white privilege. 3. Institutional discrimination against white heterosexual men. Punishing white people born yesterday for what completely unrelated white people did 50 or more years ago. 4. Ironically, the more pro “social justice” a person is, the more anti-social their behavior tends to be, and the more pro-discrimination their beliefs. 5. Socialism Justice 6. The primary goal of social justice theory is to degrade the economic status of white Americans through racial discrimination.
No Justice No Peace: Slogan used by liberal Democrat activist at riots, I mean peaceful protests. The opposite of peace is war. The definition of war is violent conflict. The slogan threatens people who don’t submit to their definitions of economic, racial and social justice with a violent conflict. No justice no peace is a blatant threat of political violence for not doing what liberal Democrats demand. It’s terrorism.
Marginalized Community (“Victim Community”): Community lacking white heterosexual men and therefore entitled, by liberal Democrat decree, to redistributed wealth by communist methods.
Oppressed: All non-white LGBTQXYZ American women.
Oppressor: All white heterosexual American men who believe they were born in the right body.
Patriotism: 1. Racism against people of color.
Plus-Size: 1. Euphemism for fat women. Liberals created the word to protect the feelings of their fragile supporters and to normalize obesity. Obesity causes high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and stroke. It disproportionately affects poor people of color (POC). Liberal leaders benefit from obesity because they're proponants of socialized medicine. Liberals are destroying the physical health of women and POC to prevent hurt feelings and gain political power.
Political Correctness: 1. Direct attack on the first amendment. 2. Speech codes enforced by liberal bullying, shaming, harassment, political violence or loss of employment. Excuse to destroy American belief in freedom of speech and expression.
Racism: the belief by white people that they are better than other races. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism solely by white people directed against a person or people of other races. 2. The belief that white men shouldn’t be racially discriminated against. 3. Colorblindness.
Racism (Systemic): 1. Term used to conflate the fact that the average white person is better off than the average black or Hispanic person with racial discrimination. 2. Term used to conflate the fact that black and Hispanic people are more likely to be incarcerated than white people with racial discrimination. 3. Term used to conflate any disparity where white people have better outcomes than non white people with racial discrimination. Doing so creates the false perception that contemporary American society is actively oppressing black and Hispanic people. Liberal Democrats know that correlation does not imply causation. The systemic racism lie is used to justify "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion" policies and practices that institutionalize racial discrimination against whites. 4. False narrative that American institutions are inherently racist against people of color because they were created by white men. Liberals manufactured "systemic racism" lie to foment social conflict in order to rationalize active discrimination against white people.
Racist: White heterosexual Republican American men. 2. Any non-liberal Democrat opinion at a particular moment in time. Consequently, something that is not racist today becomes racist tomorrow if Democrats arbitrarily want it to be. 3. Anything that stands in the way of the Democrat party is defined as racist by the Democrat party in order to get their way. Questioning their redefinition is also racist. 4. Any American who doesn’t believe in unlimited illegal immigration of poor, unskilled and uneducated central and South Americans.
Silence Is Violence: 1. Slogan used by liberal Democrat activists at riots, I mean peaceful protests. The slogan accuses people who don’t do what liberal activists demand (i.e. riot, I mean protest, for their cause) of committing physical acts of violence against a "victim group". In the liberal mind, this justifies their committing actual physical acts of violence against those who don’t do as they command. 2. Veiled threat to conform or face physical retaliation. California Berkeley law professor Savala Trepczynski, also the executive director of the Henderson Center for Social Justice, declared that “white silence is incredibly powerful” and that “it acts like a weapon.” If people (i.e. Republicans) who don't actively promote "social justice" causes are considered weapons, destroying them becomes a moral imperative to liberals.
Safe Space: Any place where white heterosexual male Republicans are prohibited from entering due to the possibility of their opinions hurting a liberal Democrats feelings.
Toxic Masculinity: Testosterone is a male hormone. According to science, testosterone causes violence, aggression and a heightened need for sex. Men are toxic (evil) for having been born with testosterone.
Transformational (Transformative): Democrat party dog whistle to their leftist/marxist base to convey their intent to destroy something traditionally American. 2. A transformational person is one who moves America closer to a communist dystopia where government controls virtually the entire economy, individual liberty is usurped by the state and bureaucrats micromanage citizen’s daily lives. But, according to our liberal overseers, it’s for our own good.
Underserved Community (“Victim Community”): Community lacking white heterosexual men and therefore entitled, by liberal Democrat decree, to redistributed wealth by communist methods.
Victim (US): All non-white people. LGBTXYZ people, women, all immigrants.
Victimizer (Them): All white heterosexual American men.
White Privilege: 1. Fabricated nebulous privileges enjoyed solely by the white race, perceivable only by the sixth sense of the “woke” liberal. It stipulates that white people have what they have because of what they are not what they do. It’s an absolute lie. The goal of the white privilege narrative is to vilify and marginalize the white population in order to justify wealth and property confiscation from whites to non-whites. In addition to vilifying and marginalizing the white race, in the minds of whites and non-whites alike, white privilege is also used to demoralize the white race into believing they deserve having their wealth and property confiscated. Afterall, telling white people that everything they have is unearned will make them more willing to part with it. It’s cultural Marxism personified. It also stipulates that black Americans are worse off because of what they are and not what they do. This lie is incredibly harmful to black Americans because it prevents them from changing behavior and becoming successful. Perhaps if liberal Democrat leaders told black Americans that dropping out of school, joining a gang, having a kid when still an unmarried kid, abusing drugs and alcohol and not working were the primary cause of their lower than average outcomes, they’d make different choices? 2. A liberal political weapon used to shame, threaten or intimidate non liberals into silence.
Whiteness: I've read numerous definitions of whiteness and still have no idea what it means. And yet, liberals are constantly accusing white people of whiteness. How can you defend yourself when you're being accused of something that's nebulous? You can't. It makes white people defenseless which is exactly what liberals want. I read an entire "children's book" about "whiteness" called "Not My Idea" by Anastasia Higginbotham. On pages 58 and 59 it shows the devil appearing to make a contract binding someone to "whiteness". If you accept the "whiteness" contract, Satan gives you stolen land, stolen riches, special favors and the ability "to mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of COLOR."
White Supremacy: 1. This social construct is a major componant of liberalism's Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. It was created to delegitimize American institutions and values as racist in order to replace them with Marxist institutions that use "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion" policies to redistribute wealth and opportunity away from white people. Traditional American values like meritocracy, colorblindness, self-reliance, personal liberty, equality before the law, individual responsibility and Capitalism are all forms of "white supremacy" per this new liberal ideology.
Woke: 1. The master race. Highly evolved liberals who have a sixth sense no other humans have that allows them to see injustice in every facet of American life. They’re even able to see injustice in that seemingly harmless chicken salad sandwich you had for lunch (seriously). 2. In Marxism, Woke are those who see the class/race/ethnicity struggle all around them. Every white person is an oppressor, and everybody else is oppressed.
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